Contributions to mathematics, physics, and biology
Penner's research began in the theory of train tracks including a generalization of Thurston's original construction of pseudo-Anosov maps to the so-called Penner-Thurston construction, which he used to give estimates on least dilatations. He then co-discovered the so-called Epstein-Penner decomposition of non-compact complete hyperbolic manifolds with David Epstein, in dimension 3 a central tool in knot theory. Over several years he developed the decorated Teichmüller theory of punctured surfaces including the so-called Penner matrix model, the basic partition function for Riemann's moduli space. Extending the foregoing to orientation-preserving homeomorphisms of the circle, Penner developed his model of universal Teichmüller theory together with its Lie algebra. He discovered combinatorial cocycles with Shigeyuki Morita for the first and with Nariya Kawazumi for the higher Johnson homomorphisms. Penner has also contributed to theoretical biology in joint work with Jørgen E. Andersen et al. discovering a priori geometric constraints on protein geometry, and with Michael S. Waterman, Piotr Sulkowski, Christian Reidys et al. introducing and solving the matrix model for RNA topology.
Main journal publications
The decorated Teichmüller space of punctured surfaces,Comm. Math. Phys. 113, no. 2, 299–339.
with D.B.A. Epstein: Euclidean decompositions of noncompact hyperbolic manifolds,J. Differential Geom. 27, no. 1, 67–80.
Perturbative series and the moduli space of Riemann surfaces,J. Differential Geom. 27, no. 1, 35–53.
A construction of pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 310, no. 1, 179–197.
Bounds on least dilatations, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 113, no. 2, 443–450.
Universal constructions in Teichmüller theory,Adv. Math. 98, no. 2, 143–215.
The geometry of the Gauss product, Algebraic Geometry 4, J. Math. Sci. 81, 2700–2718.
with M.S. Waterman: Spaces of RNA secondary structures,Adv. Math. 101, no. 1, 31–49.
with A. Papadopoulos: La forme symplectique de Weil-Petersson et le bord de Thurston de l'espace de Teichmüller, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris 312 Série I, 871–874.
with R. Kaufmann: Closed/open string diagrammatics, Nucl. Phys. B 748 335–379.
with S. Morita: Torelli groups, extended Johnson homomorphisms, and new cycles on the moduli space of curves,Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 144, no. 3, 651–671.
with A. Bene, N. Kawazumi: Canonical extensions of the Johnson homomorphisms to the Torelli groupoid,Adv. Math. 221, No.2, 627–659.
with E.S. Andersen, J.L. Jensen, A.K. Kantcheva, M. Bublitz, P. Nissen, A.M.H. Rasmussen, K.L. Svane, B. Hammer, R. Rezazadegan, N.Chr. Nielsen, J.T. Nielsen, J.E. Andersen: Hydrogen bond rotations as a uniform structural tool for analyzing protein architecture, Nature Communications 5, Article number: 5803.
with C. M. Reidys, F. Huang, J. E. Andersen, P. F. Stadler, M. E. Nebel: Topology and prediction of RNA pseudoknots,Bioinformatics 27 1076–1085.
with J.E. Andersen, L.O. Chekhov, C.M. Reidys, P. Sulkowski: Topological recursion for chord diagrams, RNA complexes, and cells in moduli spaces,Nucl.Phys. B 866 No. 3 414–443.
Moduli spaces and macromolecules,Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 53 217–268.
with the assistance of J. L. Harer: Combinatorics of Train Tracks, Annals of Mathematical Studies 125, Princeton University Press ; second printing.
Discrete Mathematics--proof techniques and mathematical structures, World Scientific Publishing Company ; second printing.
Woods Hole Mathematics: perspectives in math and physics, edited by N. Tongring and R.C. Penner, foreword by Raul Bott, World Scientific Publishing Company.
Groups of Diffeomorphisms-in honor of Shigeyuki Morita on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 52, Mathematical Society of Japan, edited by R.C. Penner, D. Kotschick, T. Tsuboi, N. Kawazumi, T. Kitano, Y. Mitsumatsu.
Decorated Teichmüller theory,, QGM Master Class Series, European Mathematical Society, Zürich, 2012, xviii+360 pp..
Methods of Digital Filtering and Multi-Dimensional Data Compression Using the Farey Quadrature and Arithmetic, Fan, and Modular Wavelets, US Patent 7,158,569
In 2018 Penner endowed the Alexzandria Figueroa and Robert Penner Chair at the IHES in memoriam of Alexzandria Figueroa.