Return to Labyrinth

Return to Labyrinth is an original English-language manga based on the Jim Henson fantasy film Labyrinth. Jake T. Forbes is credited as the creator, and Chris Lie is the illustrator. The covers for all four volumes were drawn by Kouyu Shurei. It is published by Tokyopop.
Return to Labyrinth is a four-part series starting with Volume 1 that was released in August 2006. Volume 2 was released in October, 2007, and was originally going to be titled Goblin Prince of the Labyrinth, but instead the Return to Labyrinth title is used for all volumes. Originally planned as a three-part series, it was announced at the end of the second volume that the story would be expanded to four volumes. Volume 3 was released on May 12, 2009. The final volume was released on August 3, 2010. The story takes place about thirteen years after the events of Labyrinth and centers around Toby, who by this time has grown up into a teenager. It received generally positive reviews.


Volume I

It has been over a decade since the events of Labyrinth, wherein Sarah defeated the Goblin King and rescued her baby half-brother, Toby. Jareth, the Goblin King, has watched as Toby grows up into a teenager, secretly giving him everything he desired regardless of its attainability, propriety or scale. Through the years, Toby noticed the strange way all his wishes came true, but never understood the reason behind it. Despite this, he seems to have grown up into a reasonably well-adjusted teenage boy. He has no memory of the time that he was kidnapped by goblins and no idea of Sarah's rescue of him. Sarah herself has become a teacher.
Jareth has been watching Toby, it seems, because he still intends for Toby to become his heir. A deadline is drawing near and other individuals, including a mysterious queen and the mayor of Goblin City, are eying the throne. Jareth eventually lures Toby back to the Labyrinth, where he meets various creatures, including some that his sister encountered during her own adventure.

Volume II

Immediately following Volume 1, Jareth names Toby his heir and then disappears. Mizumi, the Queen of Moraine, and her two daughters decide to stay with Toby in the Goblin Castle "to help him out". After a brief scuffle in the "History of Toby" museum, Toby embraces his destiny as the new leader of the goblins and begins training for the role. Mizumi volunteers to teach Toby magic, giving him a small vial of magical water from Moraine. During their lessons Mizumi reveals her past romantic history with Jareth and his subsequent building of the Labyrinth "to keep everyone, including out".
A flashback shows Jareth after Sarah's retrieval of Toby. He appears frustrated and unsettled, and the goblins, who believe that he is losing his powers, prepare to revolt. Jareth visits Mizumi in Moraine, where he requests that she prepare an ablation for him. When Mizumi asks what he offers in return, he offers a wager, claiming that if he wins, he keeps the ablation, but if he loses then "the goblin kingdom and its king are " to handle as she pleases. Mizumi agrees and gives Jareth thirteen years wherein to complete the wager; exactly what the wager entails is not revealed to the reader.
Toby's studies interfere with his quest to find Hana's wings; therefore Hana begins searching for them alone. With the aid of Moppet, Hana discovers a locked door in a far tower of the Goblin Castle. After breaking through it, they discover a room closely resembling the bedroom that Sarah had as a teenager, though it also features a closet full of elaborate clothes and a dungeon lock on the door. At this point, Moppet begins to feel uncomfortable because of recognizing the music playing from the music box and having a vision of Jareth demanding her love. Drumlin, Mizumi's daughter, locks them in the room and starts destroying it.
During this time, Mizumi takes Toby to the Ministry of Prophecies where they select a prophecy for Toby. Toby only hears part of the prophecy, leaving out a dangerous omen of things to come. When Toby and Mizumi return to the castle, Toby sees Moppet falling. Desperate to save her, he magically extends his arms to catch her, but in the process of saving her life knocks her mask off to reveal her true face. Toby instantly recognizes her as a younger version of his sister, Sarah, but having pale hair and different coloring.
Elsewhere, two reptilian creatures in cloaks discuss a plot against someone of importance. The scene then cuts to one of Sarah, who is grading papers when she hears a knock on the door. When she opens it, it reveals Jareth standing before her.

Volume III

After Moppet's face is revealed, Drumlin is taken to the dungeons, and Mizumi and Spittledrum sit Toby down for an explanation. One of Mizumi's powers, she says, is the ability to create ablations, to remove traits from living beings and give them form and autonomy. Moppet, she reveals, is the ablation that she created as part of her bargain with Jareth. At his request, she stole the part of Sarah Williams that frightened him the most: her dreams. It is implied but not explicitly stated that the terms of Jareth and Mizumi's wager were that Jareth had to get Moppet to love him. For several years, Jareth kept Moppet a prisoner in the locked tower room. This temporarily restored his power over the goblin kingdom, but when he could not make Moppet love him, his old problems returned. Whether Moppet escaped from Jareth or was discarded is left unclear, but Spittledrum tells Toby of how he found Moppet among the rubbish people and brought her back to the city. One day, he says, Jareth saw Moppet and confronted Spittledrum. He told Spittledrum to keep Moppet out of the palace and gave him a peach. If Moppet ever mentioned anything about a locked room, he said, Spittledrum was to give Moppet the peach. Closing the meeting, Mizumi says that she is fully capable of returning an ablation to its former host, but that this will wipe out the ablation's separate memories and experiences. She also tells Toby that if an ablation dies, the host dies with it, and vice versa. When Toby muses that he wishes to summon Sarah to the labyrinth so that Mizumi can restore her dreams, Moppet objects and runs away.
Meanwhile, in the human world, Jareth has gone to see Sarah. She does not immediately recognize him, but accepts his explanation that they know each other from the theater. During this meeting, Jareth seems disappointed that Sarah has made so little of herself but notices that her strong will is still there. It is also shown that Sarah has no memory of ever knowing Jareth, though why this is not revealed. After leaving Sarah, Jareth seeks and finds a specific goblin, Cob, who had been banished to the human world many years earlier. From him, he retrieves a tiny sliver of his own heart, which he had splintered off for safekeeping before his power began to wane; it is as potent as ever. With a good portion of his magic restored, Jareth plots his revenge on Sarah. He creates the Enigma Lain theater in an outdoor park and sends Sarah a ticket.
Mizumi visits Drumlin in the dungeons. Though Drumlin apologizes, Mizumi tells her that it is too late and that she has to go "home." As Moulin watches from a hidden place, Mizumi reabsorbs Drumlin. Drumlin and Moulin, it is revealed, are Mizumi's own ablations. Drumlin had been an ablation of her hope. Moulin decides to help Toby against Mizumi, but is caught and captured by Mizumi's servant Esker.
Before the coronation, one of the strange reptilian creatures meets Toby and offers him a warning in unintelligible anagrams. He also gives Toby a gift, a small medallion. Toby proceeds to his coronation. After a few long rituals, Toby goes through an ordeal in which he locates the Pathfinder, giving him direct control over the Labyrinth's walls. Shortly after this, Mizumi announces her triumph over Jareth and claims the Labyrinth for her own, chaining Toby. The goblin army resists, but Mizumi's own forces rain in from above and defeat them. Candlewic, the captain of the guard, betrays Toby and Spittledrum to Mizumi.
Mizumi confronts Moulin in the dungeons. Moulin and Drumlin, she says, are both ablations of the emotions that had bound Mizumi to Jareth. When Moulin asks why Mizumi bothered to create beings who could only die with her or as part of her, Mizumi answers, "There is another way. I just didn't want them to know that." Despite this, Mizumi is about to reabsorb Moulin as she did Drumlin, but is interrupted by Esker, who reports that Jareth has made contact with Sarah in the human world. This news upsets Mizumi, who orders Esker to go to the human world and stop Jareth, but Esker explains that he cannot leave the Labyrinth; the Pathmaker is stopping him. Mizumi muses that there may be another way, and sends Esker to kill Moppet so that Sarah will die too.
The volume closes with Toby, Skub, Spittledrum and Moulin imprisoned, Moppet climbing the rubbish hills with her peach, and Sarah walking into Jareth's trap.

Volume IV

Toby is trapped in the Oubliette and nearly loses his mind when he is finally taken to see Mizumi. She reveals that as Jareth's heir, Toby is bound to carry his title and his heart, which Toby is unable to sustain. To explain, she divulges more of her past with Jareth and how they initially met. Mizumi had instantly fallen in love with him, but Jareth's interest in her had been fickle and she demanded to see his heart. In response, Jareth challenged her to find it within the Labyrinth; if Mizumi found it, his heart would be hers, but in exchange, she gave him her word that she would never allow his Labyrinth to be harmed. When she could not find his heart, Jareth insulted her - though she had given everything she could give him, he still found her shallow. In the present, Toby allows Mizumi make him the vessel of her will in order to save his friends and the crumbling Labyrinth.
Meanwhile, Hana and Stank end up finding Moulin; freeing her, she joins them as they set off to find Moppet and save Toby. In the wastes, Moppet takes a bite of Jareth's peach and becomes trapped in one of Sarah's greatest dreams: her mother remained married to her father and Sarah is able to pursue her dream of becoming a stage actress. While enchanted, she is attacked by Esker, who has been ordered by Mizumi to kill Moppet. Moulin, Hana, and Stank arrive and manage to save Moppet after a difficult fight, but are trapped when the Labyrinth collapses around them. When Toby arrives to save them, Moulin reveals that Moppet, being made of dreams, cannot be freed easily from Jareth's dreamtrap. To protect Sarah and Moppet, Toby traps them in an enchanted prison and returns to Mizumi.
Sarah has walked into Jareth's trap, which features a puppet show before a goblin audience. The show follows Sarah's entire life, including her forgotten adventure in the Labyrinth and ending with how her life has become mediocre. Recognizing Jareth at last, he offers to guide her with the last of his power and let her dreams thrive again before taking her into the world of the Labyrinth. In the dreamtrap, Moppet realizes the flaw within the dream and how Sarah was forced to give up her dream of studying at Juilliard to become an actress. Moppet, now awake, sets off with Moulin, Hana, and Stank to find Sarah and stop Jareth's plans, and they are freed from Toby's prison by Hoggle and Ludo.
Toby, uncertain about how to control the dissenting goblins and feeling alone, wanders the Labyrinth until he finds a fountain and is confronted by Jareth. When Jareth criticizes Toby's inability to know what he really wants to do, Toby wishes Jareth out of his life. Toby is transformed into a being resembling Jareth and when he returns to Mizumi, he declares his intention to tear down the Labyrinth and rebuild it. Frustrated with Toby's transformation, Mizumi is encouraged by an illusion of Drumlin to find the person who will lead her to Jareth.
Under Jareth's spell, Sarah observes Moppet's progress as a new world shaped by Sarah's will is created. Despite Hoggle and Ludo's apprehension, Moppet is determined to find Sarah; she asks that they support Toby and parts ways with them. When her group reaches a door, Hana picks its brain to get the answer to its riddle and open it, though only Moulin and Moppet make it through. They arrive in a hall of mirrors that all show what they really are and an altar that requires a sacrifice before the next door is opened. When Moulin looks into a mirror, Mizumi finds her and passes through the mirror. To save Moppet, Moulin attempts to stab herself, since as Mizumi's ablation of regret, Mizumi will die as well. Failing that, Moulin forces Mizumi to see her regrets in a mirror, thus severing the link between them. Mizumi stabs Moulin to open the door to Jareth, with Moppet following her. When Moppet finds her, Mizumi has reached a dead end. Realizing that she will never know what Jareth desires, Mizumi creates a door for Moppet to find Sarah, deciding that she can wait for Jareth long after Sarah is gone.
When the goblins initiate their revolt, Toby's attempts to control them with force falls apart when Mizumi cancels the contract she made with Jareth. Realizing that he has never been able to make decisions of his own since becoming the Goblin King, Toby relinquishes his role as king and ends the revolt with the goblins as his friends. Meanwhile, Sarah has completed her new world with Jareth nearly able to control her. However, Moppet arrives and confronts him with his attempts to cage her and risking the entire Labyrinth for his own desire, forcing Jareth to justify rescuing Sarah's abandoned dying dreams. After Sarah orders that Jareth show her the fates of her friends, she offers her will to Jareth to save the Labyrinth and frees Moppet from their connection by realizing her own dreams. Jareth is able to repair the Labyrinth and reluctantly accepts Toby's demand to allow everyone to find their own paths.
Upon returning to their world, Sarah realizes her dreams by writing stories, allowing the existence of everyone in the Labyrinth to continue, while Toby begins to step away from escaping loneliness through fantasies and finds a friend.


Jareth, the Goblin King
Toby Williams
Sarah Williams
The Brick Layer
Sir Didymus
Professors Maelgrot, Nymblie, Glosspan, Glokensteal, and Jodhspur
The Blue Worm
The Flegworts
Irene Williams
Mr. Morrisey


Written by Jake T. Forbes and illustrated by Chris Lie, Return to Labyrinth is published in North America by Tokyopop. Three volumes have been released from August 8, 2006 to May 1, 2009. Madman Entertainment distributes the series in Australia and New Zealand.

Volume list


The first volume debuted at the 40th spot in the list of 100 best-selling graphic novels for August 2006 with an estimated 2,400 copies sold. The second volume appeared at the 58th spot with an estimated 2,204 copies sold in October 2007. In May 2009, the third volume sold an estimated 1,386 copies and reached the 76th spot on the list. It also reached the 19th spot in Bookscan's list of the top twenty best-selling graphic novels for May 2009, and ranked 4th on the New York Times manga bestseller list for the week of May 10 to 16.
Kristy Valenti, who works for The Comics Journal and Fantagraphics Books, wrote that the series "is the most successful at both whetting the nostalgia of the film's cult audience while mining the film's world-building for further narrative opportunities"; she noted "technical glitches" in the first volume, and the lack of bishōnen and bishōjo designs, which she thought the manga needed.
IGN's A.E Sparrow praised the adaption, and liked how it was "mindful of the source material, but unafraid to strike out and cover some new ground as well" by including new characters. Johanna Draper Carlson, a longtime reviewer for Publishers Weekly and fan of the film, felt that the shift of Sarah to Toby as the protagonist weakened the adaption since it made the premise of the series common. Katherine Dacey rated the second volume a "C+", stating that while the series showed improvement since the first volume, it felt like a fan fiction and would only appeal to fans of the film.

Pop culture references

In addition to echoing and retelling elements from several classic fairy tales, Return to Labyrinth often references other Jim Henson projects and science fiction.
Several shots of the castle staircases resemble drawings by M.C. Escher.

Volume I

Irene's note to Toby is held to the fridge by a Kermit the Frog magnet.
Uncle Traveling Matt from Fraggle Rock shows up at the ball asking for radishes.

Volume II

When Maelgrot first sees Toby, he starts, "You remind me of the babe!", to which his assistant responds, "What babe?" These are lines from "Magic Dance," a song from the film.
Toby refers to having read his sister's Choose Your Own Adventure books. Though he doesn't call them by name, he does mention Harlowe Thrombey.
When Toby meets the Wiseman, he says that he doesn't know if being Goblin King is what he wants. The Wiseman responds with, "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need." The Wiseman's hat says that it was "gathering moss" waiting for the Wiseman to complete the phrase, another reference to the Rolling Stones.
Mizumi says of Spittledrum, "Little hobgoblins consistently have foolish minds," a reference to the quote, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds," from Ralph Waldo Emerson's Self-Reliance.
Chef Eskubar, whom Skub replaces, is said to have been killed by exploding chickens.
One of Toby's tutors says that he is "Quicker with riddles than Hobbits or Sphynxes ."
At the ministry of prophecies, Toby and Mizumi hear "When single shines the triple sun" from Dark Crystal and "sons of Adam and daughters of Eve," a reference to The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
While at the Ministry of Prophecies, there is a book in the top right corner with the name "Froud" on it, Brian Froud is the conceptual artist that worked on most of Henson's projects, and before his son was born he painted a picture of a baby sitting among goblins...after his son was born he bore a remarkable resemblance of the picture. Toby Froud starred as the "babe" in the final movie. This was explained in the making of and commentary on the DVD release of Labyrinth.
Another book at the Ministry is titled Legend of Dark Crystal, referring to Tokyopop's 2 part Manga series Legends of the Dark Crystal based on the Jim Henson film.
Toby's Philosophy teacher, Glosspan, is a reference to the character Pangloss from Candide by Voltaire.

Volume III

In Toby's flashback, Sarah reads the phrase "When the Wizard awoke, the six colored suns were shining..." which is from Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz.
Cob the Exile's tiny robot, Mandelbrot, addresses Jareth by saying, "Please state the nature of the medical emergency," a recurring line of the Doctor's on ', then with "I am fluent in over 5000 forms of communication," which is a take on C-3PO's job description, and then with "EX-TERMINATE! EX-TERMINATE!" like the Daleks from Doctor Who. Later on, he shouts, "Resistance is futile!" the motto of Star Treks Borg. In addition, the name "Mandelbrot" is a reference to both the famous mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot and his celebrated Mandelbrot set.
The demons whom the jailer is seen playing cards with were featured in an episode of Jim Henson's
The Storyteller''. The story was about a soldier with a magical sack that he could capture anything in, including the demons, hence the "not again!" remarks at the mention of the word "sack."

Volume IV

Hana mentions a happy ending for herself in which she seduces a 'Brownie', a fairie sized creature from the 1988 fantasy film Willow.
One of the water demons is called "Sogglepuss" by Hana, referring to the Hanna-Barbera cartoon character Snagglepuss.
While Moppet is trapped in a dream, she and Sarah's mother recite Miranda and Prospero's lines from The Tempest, by Shakespeare. The play was previously referenced in volume III, when Sarah requests one of her students to read the ending lines of The Tempest during her English class as Jareth observes. official website