Regions of Kyrgyzstan
is divided into seven regions. The capital, Bishkek, is administratively an independent city, as well as being the capital of Chuy Province. Osh also has shaar status.
The regions, with their areas, census populations and capitals, are as follows:
No. | Name | Kyrgyz | Russian | Capital | Area | Population | Population | Population | |
1 | Bishkek City | Бишкек шаары Bişkek şaarı | Город Бишкек Gorod Bishkek | KG-GB | Bishkek | 160 | 787,700 | 865,100 | 937,400 |
2 | Osh City | Ош шаары Oş şaarı | Город Ош Gorod Osh | KG-GO | Osh | 182 | 236,000 | 243,200 | 270,300 |
3 | Batken Region | Баткен облусу Batken oblusu | Баткенская область Batkenskaya oblast′ | KG-B | Batken | 17,048 | 380,200 | 380,300 | 480,700 |
4 | Chuy Region | Чүй облусу Çüy oblusu | Чуйская область Chuyskaya oblast′ | KG-C | Bishkek | 19,895 | 772,200 | 790,500 | 870,300 |
5 | Jalal-Abad Region | Жалалабат облусу Jalalabat oblusu | Джалал-Абадская область Dzhalal-Abadskaya oblast′ | KG-J | Jalal-Abad | 32,418 | 869,500 | 938,600 | 1,122,400 |
6 | Naryn Region | Нарын облусу Narın oblusu | Нарынская область Narynskaya oblast′ | KG-N | Naryn | 44,160 | 248,700 | 245,300 | 264,900 |
7 | Osh Region | Ош облусу Oş oblusu | Ошская область Oshskaya oblast′ | KG-O | Osh | 28,934 | 940,600 | 1,000,000 | 1,228,400 |
8 | Talas Region | Талас облусу Talas oblusu | Таласская область Talasskaya oblast′ | KG-T | Talas | 13,406 | 200,300 | 219,600 | 247,200 |
9 | Issyk-Kul Region | Ысык-Көл облусу Isık-Köl oblusu | Иссык-Кульская область Issyk-Kulskaya oblast′ | KG-Y | Karakol | 43,735 | 415,500 | 425,100 | 463,900 |
Each region is further divided into districts, administered by government-appointed officials. Rural communities consisting of up to twenty small settlements have their own elected mayors and councils.