Ready, Steady, Charlie!
Ready, Steady, Charlie! is a 2003 Swiss movie production directed by Mike Eschmann, starring newcomer Michael Koch, beauty queen Melanie Winiger, and comedian Marco Rima. The plot is a parody about the military service in Switzerland and has been the most successful Swiss movie since 1978's The Swissmakers, and had some success as well in France, the United States, the UK and even in Russia.Cast
- Michael Koch as Antonio Carrera
- Melanie Winiger as Michelle Bluntschi
- Mia Aegerter as Laura Moretti
- Marco Rima as Captain Franz Reiker
- Martin Rapold as Corporal Weiss
- Max Rüdlinger as divisionary
- Nicolas Steiner as recruit Schlönz
- Kaya Inan as recruit Weber
- Màrio Almer as recruit Schaffner
- Mike Müller as Paolo
- Lukas Frey as recruit Gmür
- Pascal Nussbaumer as recruit Furgler
- Jean Vocat as recruit Lombard
- Max Sartore as Grenadier Hinkel
- Laila Nielsen as Billie
- Tamara Sedmak as military police officer