Rakshasa (film)

Rakshasa is a 2005 Indian Kannada language crime thriller film directed by Sadhu Kokila, written by Ranganath and produced by Ramu. The film features Shivarajkumar and Gajala in the lead roles along with Ruthika, Amrutha and Kishore in other pivotal roles.
The film featured original score and soundtrack composed by Sadhu Kokila. Upon release, the film was appreciated for its making style and won numerous awards at the Karnataka State Film Awards for the year 2004–05. The movie went on very well in the box office declared as superhit. ↵The movie was dubbed in Hindi as Kaliya No. 1.


The music was composed by Sadhu Kokila and the audio was sold on Jhankar Music label. The soundtrack album consists of seven tracks.


  1. Best Supporting Actor - Kishore
  2. Best Music director - Sadhu Kokila
  3. Best Art Director - Dinesh Mangalore
  4. Best Child actor - Aniruddh