Pucca is an animated television series based on a series of shorts created by the South Korean company VOOZ Character System. The series revolves around Pucca, a young girl who is in love and obsessed with a ninja named Garu. It also has aired on Champ TV and MBC in Korea. Internationally, the series aired on Toon Disney'sJetix block in the United States, Europe, and other locales on the Jetix channel. Pucca premiered in 2006, with a set of 26 episodes. The second season of the show, consisting of 13 episodes, began airing in 2008 after it was ordered to be created by Jetix Europe. In October 2018, a third season was announced by Planeta Junior, a company within Planeta Group. The third season aired in South Korea on December 10, 2018 on MBC, and December 19, 2018 on Tooniverse. It consists of 26 episodes. The third season of Pucca, titled "Pucca: Love Recipe" in English, released on Netflix on December 31, 2019. In total, not including the previous online aired episodes of the show, this brought the number of created segments to 191.
The series centers around the adventures of a 10-year-old noodle delivery girl named Pucca, who typically does not speak. She works in a local restaurant called the Goh-Rong in her town called Sooga Village, owned by her three uncles where their main dish is Jajangmyeon noodles. Her love interest is a 12-year-old ninja named Garu, who also does not speak. Garu is a committed ninja in training that has a serious demeanor, valuing his own company and silence. Pucca has a best friend named Ching, an 11 year old that practices Jian swordsmanship. Ching has a pet chicken named Won who always sits on her head, and is in love with a boy named Abyo, who pays no attention to her and only has interests in Kung-Fu and impressing other girls. In the third season, there is an overarching plot surrounding the rivalry between Goh-Rong and a new local restaurant titled Dong King Restaurant. Ring Ring, a local 12-year old fashion star, who appeared previously in the show and also grows a love interest to Garu, is also revealed to be the daughter of Dong King and works alongside him and his servants against Pucca and Dong King.
Voice cast
Season 1-2
Tabitha St. Germain as Pucca, Ring Ring
Brian Drummond as Garu
Brian Dobson as Uncle Dumpling
Michael Dobson as Ho
Dale Wilson as Linguini, Policeman Bruce
Lee Tockar as Abyo, Dada, Tobe
Chantal Strand as Ching
Kathleen Barr as Doga, Ssoso
French Tickner as Santa
Richard Newman as Master Soo
Dave "Squatch" Ward as Muji
Michael Daingerfield as Chang
Season 3
Jeonghwa Wang - Pucca
Yongwoo Shin - Garu
Doug Erholtz - Abyo
Melissa Fahn - Ching
Karen Strassman - Ring Ring
Kirk Thornton - Uncle Dumpling / Bruce
Spike Spencer - Ho / Casano / Santa
Steve Canden - Linguini / Fyah
Ben Pronsky - Tobe / Ayo / Dandy
Stephanie Sheh - Granny / Panky
Todd Haberkorn - Chang / Dada
Tony Azzolino - Ssoso
Michael Sorich - Dong King / Jin / Siva
Home media
At the 2006 Annecy International Animated Film Festival, the Pucca episode "A Force of Won" was "nominated for two awards...including the Prix Jeunesse in the Animation category." During the same year, Pucca won the Leo Awards for Best Screenwriting, along with "Best Overall in an Animation Program."
Music tour
A musical show for the series was held in Lima on October 8, 2009. This location was chosen because of Pucca being "one of the most beloved programs on Jetix's Latin American channel." The show repeated itself eight times from October 8 to 11 2009.