The series chronicles the lives of three female roommates in New York City, each with a different background and upbringing, thus the series' title: Tracy Dillon, an English teacher who just dumped her fiance after learning that he had been married twice and was still involved with one of his ex-wives ; Princess Georgina "Georgy" De La Rue, a recently widowed English princess who arrived to the States to challenge her late husband's contested will; and Melissa Kirshner, Tracy's longtime best friend, an outspoken Jewish American who sold cosmetics at a department store. In addition to the three, there was also Melissa's sister Debra. The idea of the three being roommates in the same apartment was by accident, thanks to the apartment's owner Tony, who promised Tracy and Georgy the use of the rent-free building without telling either one who would use it or to whom he had loaned it.
In an effort to downplay the behind-the-scenes turmoil on Princesses, CBS execs initially touted the series as "promising" to advertisers. However, prior to the show's premiere, entertainment media outlets such as Entertainment Tonight began publicizing the show's behind-the-scenes woes. Princesses was problematic by the time it went into production. The first tell-tale sign came when Hagerty walked off the set after filming the first four episodes, which were followed by profoundly negative reviews, off-camera problems, and rumors that CBS affiliates might never air the episodes. Upon its premiere, Princesses placed last in the Nielsen ratings. At one point, CBS programming head Jeff Sagansky expressed interest in re-tooling the show and replacing all of the show's cast members. Drescher soon became aware of this and immediately arranged a meeting with Sagansky. During the meeting, Drescher tried to compromise with Sagansky by suggesting he only re-cast Hagerty's role. but CBS ultimately decided against Drescher's wishes and axed the entire show. Shortly after the cancellation, an accidental meeting gave Drescher a chance to pitch a new television series to Sagansky, and she came up with her hit show The Nanny. In fact, Drescher developed the idea for The Nanny while visiting with Princesses co-star Twiggy and her family in England, and modeled the character of Maxwell Sheffield on Twiggy's husband Leigh Lawson.
In 2010, TV Land aired the series as part of their TV Land Sunday Spotlight series.
The show ended up ranking 118th out of 132 shows that season, averaging only a 6.3 household rating.