Potato spindle tuber viroid

The Potato spindle tuber viroid was the first viroid to be identified. PSTVd is a small, single stranded circular RNA molecule closely related to the chrysanthemum stunt viroid. Present within the viroidal RNA is the Pospiviroid RY motif stem loop. The natural hosts are potatoes and tomatoes. All potatoes and tomatoes are susceptible to PSTVd and there is no form of natural resistance. Natural infections have also been seen in avocados and infections in other solanaceous crops have been induced in the laboratory.

Strains and their symptoms

Different strains of PSTVd exist and symptoms range from mild to severe. Mild strains produce no obvious symptoms. Symptoms in severe strains are dependent on environmental conditions and are most severe in hot conditions. Symptoms may be mild in initial infections but become progressively worse in the following generations. Common symptoms of severe infections include color changes in the foliage, smaller leaves and spindle-like elongation. Sprouting also occurs at a slower rate than in unaffected potatoes. Infected tomatoes are slower to show symptoms which include stunted growth with a ‘bunchy top’ caused by shortened inter-nodes. Leaves become yellow or purple and often become curled and twisted. Necrosis eventually occurs in the veins of the bottom and middle leaves and the top leaves decrease in size. Fruit ripening is also affected leading to hard, small, dark green tomatoes.
Long distance spread of PSTVd usually occurs via infected seeds but transmission via aphids also occurs but only in the presence of PLRV. Mechanical transmission also occurs once it has been introduced to an area.

Primary and secondary structure of PSTVd

PSTVd comprises 359 nucleotides.