Popples (2015 TV series)

Popples is a children's animated television series based on the Popples toy line produced by Saban Brands and Zagtoon. The series portrays the adventures of the comedic pals Bubbles, Sunny, Lulu, Izzy, and Yikes. It is an original series distributed by Netflix. The last Popples television adaptation to air was a 1986 animated series.
On May 1, 2018, Saban Brands sold Popples to Hasbro.
The series made its linear debut on Discovery Family on July 1, 2019.


An amazing species of creatures that can pop into and out of a ball. The story is driven by the optimistic comedic enthusiasm of the BPP's : Bubbles, Sunny, Lulu, Izzy and Yikes. Always wanting to help their friends, neighbors and each other, their efforts often backfire in hilarious ways and they must spend the rest of the episode trying to unwind the mayhem they've caused. Luckily they always manage to save the day in their own POP-tastic way.


Main characters

Guest Star

Season 1

In 2014, Netflix announced that at least 26 episodes would be released. 10 episodes were planned for the first season; each episode runs for 22 minutes and consists of two segments. The episodes were released on October 30, 2015.
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Season 2

The second season of Popples was released on Netflix on March 11, 2016.
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Season 3

The third season of Popples were released on Netflix on July 24, 2016.
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had exclusive rights to the Popples characters and had distributed a toy line through Spin Master from 2016 to 2018. Much like their earlier incarnations of the 1980s, the toys can be rolled into a ball and "popped" back out.