Pierre Carbonnier was born 7 August 1828 in Bergerac, son to Pierre and Marie Andrieu. As third child of twelve, he married Zélie Joséphine Flusin in Paris November 10, 1857. male , 1879 Pierre Carbonnier founded in 1850, one of the oldest public Aquaria in Paris. In 1869 he started to breed exotic aquarium fishes, being the first in Europe to breed a tropical fish species, the Macropod. This first shipment of tropical fish species was brought to Europe by a naval officer named Gerold at the request of French ConsulEugene Simon in Ningbo of Zhejiang Province in the southeast of China. Of 100 macropods, 22 arrived alive July 8, 1869 in Paris, and Carbonniers share of the shipment was 17 specimens,. Two years later he had raised 200 specimens of the Paradise fish. The same year he wrote the brochure "Report and observations about the pairing of one kind of Chinese fish", "The new remark on the Chinese fish belonging to the genus makropody", and others. He published also several works devoted to the breeding of crustaceans. His fish breeding center was destroyed in 1870-1871 during the siege of Paris by the Prussian troops in the Franco-Prussian War, but he regained his spirit and in 1872 he introduced the Fantail, a variety of gold fish, in France. In 1874 Carbonnier imported the first Siamese fighting fish and Dwarf gourami. At the International Exhibition of sea and river industries in Paris in 1875, Carbonnier was awarded the Gold Medal of the French Imperial Society of acclimatization for research and breeding of freshwater aquarium of exotic fish and his success of introducing exotic fish species to France. In 1878 Carbonnier was the first to breed the Peppered corydoras catfish, native to the basin of the Paraná River in Brazil. In the same year, Pierre Carbonnier was appointed director of the Trocadéro Aquarium at the French Exhibition of 1878 in Jardins du Trocadéro. He died 1883 in Paris.
Pierre Carbonnier, , Librairie scientifique, industrielle et agricole, Eugène Lacroix, Éditeur, Paris, 1864.
Pierre Carbonnier, "Nidification du Poisson arc-en-ciel de l'Inde", in Bulletin de la Société d'Acclimatation, 3ème Série, Tome III, 1876, -22.
1864 Guide pratique du pisciculteur
1867 Étude sur les causes de la mortalité des poissons
1869 L'Écrevisse, mœurs, reproduction, éducation
1869 Rapport et Observations sur l'accouplement d'une espèce de poisson de Chine
1870 Nouvelle Note sur un poisson de Chine appartenant au genre macropode
1872 Du Transport des poissons
1872 Trois mémoires pour servir à l'histoire zoologique du poisson de Chine le macropode
1872 Le Macropode de Chine
1873 Commission des cheptels. Instruction aux chepteliers. 3e section. Poissons. Instructions sur les pratiques de l'incubation artificielle. Le transport des œufs et de l'alevin,
1873 De l'Influence de la pression extérieure sur la vie des poissons, et de la lumière lunaire sur la végétation aquatique
1874 Mémoire sur la reproduction du poisson américain Le Fondule Mensuel de la Soc. D'acclimatation de Paris, d Bull. 3 :665-671
1875 Découverte d’une station préhistorique dans le département de la Seine à Champigny
1876 Nidification du poisson arc-en-ciel de l'Inde
1877 Le Gourami et son nid
1879 Rapport et observations sur l'aquarium d'eau douce du Trocadéro
1880 Sur le Cuvier. Bull. de la Soc. Zool. De France 5:288-290.