Philippe Honoré, known by the pen-nameHonoré, was a French cartoonist and a long-time staff member of Charlie Hebdo. Honoré was among five cartoonists assassinated on 7 January 2015, during the shooting attack on the Charlie Hebdo newspaper office.
Born in Vichy, Honoré grew up in Pau. Honoré was a self-taught artist, getting published for the first time in 1957 in the regional newspaperSud-Ouest. He worked as an industrial designer for the Société Nationale des Gaz du Sud-Ouest, a natural gas supplier. Honoré had a long career in newspaper and magazine cartoons, working with dozens of publications, including Sud-Ouest, Libération, Le Monde, Les Inrockuptibles, La Vie ouvrière, Charlie Mensuel, Le Matin, and Expressen. He illustrated many book covers, including the anniversary edition of Petit Larousse. His artwork was featured in a number of group exhibitions. He became a staff cartoonist for Charlie Hebdo in 1992. With its thick line, and strong reliance on black-and-white, Honoré's style stood out from the other Charlie Hebdo cartoonists. The last cartoon tweeted by Charlie Hebdo minutes before the attack was an illustration by Honoré of the ISIS leader, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, offering formal New Year's wishes. Honoré was critically wounded during the attack, and died in the hospitalemergency room.
Charlie Hebdo
Le Magazine littéraire
Le Monde
L'Événement du jeudi
Les Inrockuptibles
La Vie ouvrière
Charlie Mensuel
Le Matin
La Grosse Bertha
1984: Josette Larchier-Boulanger, Les Hommes du nucléaire, pour EDF / GRETS, éd. Sodel, Paris, 16 p.
1989: Jean-Jérome Bertolus, Philippe Eliakim, Éric Walther, Guide SVP de vos intérêts: Argent, consommation, famille, vie pratique, pour SVP, éd. Jean-Pierre de Monza, Paris, 284 p..
1990: Laurie Laufer, Le Paquet volé: Une histoire de saute-ruisseau, éd. Turbulences, coll. « Histoires vraies », Paris, 119 p..
1991: Jean-Pierre de Monza, Guide SVP de vos intérêts: 2000 réponses utiles à vos problèmes, famille, argent..., pour SVP, éd. Jean-Pierre de Monza, Paris, 476 p..
1994: Brigitte de Gastines, Jean Pierre de Monza, Guide SVP des particuliers: 2000 réponses indispensables, vie pratique, placements, loisirs, démarches..., pour SVP, éd. SVP, Paris, 480 p..