Perla, Kasaragod

Perla is an administrative capital of Enmakaje Panchayath, which is in Kasaragod District, Kerala, India.
State Highway 31 passes into the Perla Town, which connects Kalladka and Cherkala. Perla is located between Kerala and Karnataka. It is easy to reach Mangalore via Vittal.
It is easy to reach towns like Vittal, Puthur, Uppala, Kumbla, Badiadka, Mulleria


Perla is Panchayat headquarter of Enmakaje Panchayat. Perla town belongs to Enmakaje Panchayat. It is located in State Highway 31 connecting to Karnataka State Border.
The geographical coordinates of Perla are :12° 578' 0" North, 74° 98' 0" East.


India census, Perla had a population of 11,773 with, 5932 males and 5,841 females.h
In the 2011 Census the population increased to 26,824; 15300 hindhus, 11200muslims and 324 Christian s living here.
People in Perla speak many languages including Malayalam, Tulu, Kannada.


Perla has a tropical climate. In most months of the year, there is significant rainfall in Perla. There is only a short dry season and it is not very effective. The Köppen-Geiger climate classification is Am. The average annual temperature in Perla is 25.1 °C. About 3820 mm of precipitation falls annually.


is the chief agricultural product from this place. Other crops, are: Coconut, Rubber, Cashew and Cocoa. Beedi making is the occupation of many families here. The Koraga tribal community living in Perla has its own colony. Beedi working is one of the source of Income for them.


and football are given major importance in Perla. Other major sports like volleyball, kabaddi, and badminton are also practiced in Perla.
Perla has some major sports clubs like Binny arts&sports club, sunny perla emirates sportings.
Perla school ground is one of the famous grounds in perla also bedrampalla ground is located about 4 km from town. It is horizontal, green and look like a stadium. Cricket and football tournaments are mainly held on SNHS ground.
Bajakudlu stadium is another stadium in Perla. Cricket is mainly practiced there.


Perla is well connected to Kumbla, Uppala, Puthur, Vittal, Mangalore City. Local roads have access to National Highway No.66 which connects to Mangalore in the north and Calicut in the south. The nearest railway station is Manjeshwar on Mangalore-Palakkad line. There is an airport at Mangalore.

Temples, Churches and Mosques

There are many temples around Perla, one of the famous temples is Bajakudlu Temple is 1 km from the town. Many programs are celebrated in Temple in the season.

This locality is an essentially multi-lingual region. The people speak Malayalam, Kannada, Tulu,Marathi, Beary, Konkani, Tamil. Migrant workers also speak Hindi language.


This village is part of Manjeswaram assembly constituency which is again part of Kasaragod

Educational Organizations