Paper Flower (film)

Paper Flower is a short narrative film by Toy Gun Films that was premiered in Tokyo in February 2011. It was first shown in the U.S. at the Beverly Hills Film Festival on April 8, 2011. Paper Flower was directed by Brent Ryan Green, written by Jeff Goldberg, and produced by Toy Gun Films The cinematographer was Thomas Marvel and the music was composed by Aska Matsumiya Your Enemies Friends.
The film was inspired by a collection of true stories surrounding the issue of Enjo-kōsai or compensated dating and materialism that families face throughout Tokyo. Paper Flower focuses on the friendship of two childhood friends growing up in Tokyo where a casual form of prostitution known as compensated dating has become a disturbing trend. When they each experience heartbreaking losses, they are forced to decide how much of themselves they are willing to give in order to find true love.


Asuka and her best childhood friend, Michi, are young girls who live in the fast, savvy city of Tokyo, where being fashionable is a not a social cliché, but a social requirement. Although the girls are leading two different kinds of lives, they find they must decide how much of themselves they must give up in order to find true love. The movie follows the story of Asuka as she compromises herself in order to get what she thinks she wants, but instead, she finds something entirely different that she never knew she wanted or needed.


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