Rat-A-Tat, also known as Pakdam Pakdai, is an Indian animated comedyTV series airing formerly on Nickelodeon India and currently airing in Sonic Nickelodeon and Nickelodeon. It is inspired by Oggy and the Cockroaches, which in turn was inspired by Tom and Jerry. The show began airing in May 2013. It now telecasts 351 episodes over five seasons on Nickelodeon Sonic but it an original show of Nickelodeon.
Don is an anthropomorphic little pink dog, who fight against three mice named, Charly, Larry and Marly. Charly is the self-proclaimed leader of Chuha Party. There are two additional main characters :- Don's brother Colonel who is more tempered from them and is also annoyed by Rats ; and Rox great dane dog, who is Don's neighbour. Doggy Don is inspired by Oggy, Chhotu is inspired by Joey, Motu is inspired by Dee Dee, Lambu is inspired by Marky, Colonel is inspired by Jack and Ballu is inspired by Bob the Bulldog.
Note: Rat-A-Tat names are in parentheses.
Doggy Don is a dog, who is usually annoyed by the mice. His days are always ruined by the mice; therefore, he always plans to get revenge on them, and rarely succeeds. He is quite intelligent but he is too lazy to answer some simple questions. His home has a functional laboratory.
Chhotu is the leader of the Chuha Party and is the oldest from all of them. He wears glasses. Charly is funny and mischievous and he likes to cause impractical jokes with his pals. He is also a crafty guy as he almost always wins with his team by the end of some episodes. He has competition with Doggy Don.
Lambu is the purple mouse of the group. He's describes as a show off. He is quite the jokester and he likes to hang around with the others. His catchphrase is "Don't make me get angry." He is competition to Colonel.
Motu is the gray blue mouse of the gang. He always got a way with food, which sometimes starts to drive Chhotu nuts. He's often to be the fool. He's the youngest member of the Chuha Party. He is competition to Major Saab.
Karnal is the over-proctective occasionally aggressive and arrogant older brother of Don. He's a muscular green dog with a soldier hat, tags, and white gloves. He always helps Don for dealing those mice's shenanigans and he was a trained soldier. He's quite cocky and strong towards others.
Ballu is a muscular looking great dane that lives next door. A running gag happened to his various things like his house, he'll give a handful of beating on Don, Colonel, or the mice. He and Colonel have the same age.
Major Saab Jr. is a white creamish bulldog. His father died in a helicopter blast, and doggy brothers adopted him. He is smaller in size and age in comparison to both of the dog brothers. His appetite is huge and sometimes is compared to Motu of their gang.
Doctor Sahab is the family pediatrician of the dog brothers, as well as Ballu. He is shown to be attending in an army camp, police station as well as in the school of dog brothers, as seen in a flashback episode. He is a simpleton by behaviour as he frequently get caught in Chuha party's mischiefs.
Narrator is the narrator of the show. The episodes usually start and ends by his closing comments, while his funny commentary runs throughout the episode.
''Pakdam Pakdai Doggy Don vs Billiman''
On 19 December 2014, Pakdam Pakdai Doggy Don Vs Billiman premiered, with Doggy Don and Colonel taking a trip to the future and befriending a cat named Billiman, who turns out to be a villain and conquers the city. Doggy Don and Colonel, along with Chhotu, Motu, Lambu and the citizens of the town defeat Billiman.
''Pakdam Pakdai Ocean Attack''
On 20 November 2015, Pakdam Pakdai Ocean Attack premiered, with Doggy Don, Colonel and their brother, Major Saab along with the mice saving the world from an evil shark, called Surmai Bhopali, who has turned the world into an ocean and made everyone a sea creature by the destroying the balance between the sea and the land at the heart of the ocean. Doggy Don, Colonel, Major and the mice, along with their new friends, Boodhababa, Manumaan and Yeti, defeated Surmai and captured his evil fish army in a fish jail, along with him.
''Pakdam Pakdai: Doggy Don in Egypt''
This film premiered on 21 January 2018. It is about when Doggy Don, Colonel, and the mice brothers try to defeat an evil magician called Hairis who wants to take over the world.
''Pakdam Pakdai Space Attack''
This film premiered on 13 May 2018. It is about Doggy Don, Cornel and the mice brothers trying to save the world from an alien monkey named Hyper Bunder. The new characters to help them are Doggy Dona and Master Goati.
''Pakdam Pakdai Attack on Tokyo''
This film premiered on 16 December 2018. The art directors are Manjula K.R, Prakashan U.K and Ananthakrishnan T.U.
The show is a coproduction between Nickelodeon and Toonz India Ltd and was launched in May 2013. It won the "Best Animated TV Episode" award at the 2014 BAF Awards, organised by FICCI, for the episode "Safari Don".