Orb (Adventure Time)

Orb is the first episode of the ninth season of the American animated series Adventure Time. The episode was written and storyboarded and Aleks Sennwald. The episode debuted on April 21, 2017.
The series follows the adventures of Finn, a human boy, and his best friend and adoptive brother Jake, a dog with magical powers to change shape and grow and shrink at will. In the episode, Finn, Jake, and BMO are returning to Ooo from Founder's Island when they fall asleep and start dreaming. Their dreams are soon influenced by a mysterious orb.
Orbwhich served as a transition between the two miniseries Islands and Elementsaired as part of Adventure Times ninth season.


After the events of Islands; Finn, Jake, and BMO have just eaten dozens of bananas. Pleasantly full, they start to fall asleep. Soon, each of them has entered into their own fantastical dreamworld.


"Orb" was seen in the United States by 0.28 million viewers. Oliver Sava of The A.V. Club reviewed this episode, giving it a B+. He says that the episode is "all about transitions".

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