In the modern day, the Northern United States is a linguistic super-region of English dialects, defined by and traditionally pronounced conservatively far in the back of the mouth, "r-fulness", and a common lack of the cot-caught merger, meaning that words like pond and pawned, or bot and bought, are not pronounced identically. The Northern Cities Vowel Shift is a series of sound changes in the North that covers a large area from western New England and New York to regions west of Wisconsin. A phenomenon known as "Canadian raising"—the lifting of the body of the tongue in both and before voiceless consonants —is common in eastern New England, for example in Boston, as well as in the Upper Midwest. Raising of just is found throughout the entire North, including in the Great Lakes area, and elsewhere in New England. This second, more focused type of raising also appears to spreading beyond the North, as well as to California English, Philadelphia English, and Western American English dialects overall. Though the following pronunciation variants are not all the most common ones in the North, they are still documented as variants used more strongly in this region than anywhere else in the country:
been as
crayon as the single-syllable
pajamas as
handkerchief rhyming with beef
poem as the single-syllable, rhyming with dome
root and roof using the vowel as a somewhat common alternative to the typical vowel
Declining characteristics
The North has historically been one of the last U.S. regions to maintain the distinction between /ɔr/ and /oʊr/, in which words like horse and hoarse or war and wore, for example, are not homophones; however, the merger of the two has quickly spread throughout the North. The vowel was once a common Northern U.S. sound in the word creek, but this has largely given way to the vowel, as in the rest of the country.
The North is reported as uniquely or most strongly using certain words:
diagonal or kitty-corner
doing cookies
futz or futz around
on the fritz
you guys
Northeastern American English
A Northeastern Corridor of the United States follows the Atlantic coast, comprising all of New England, Greater New York City, and Greater Philadelphia, sometimes even classified as extending to Greater Baltimore and Washington D.C. This region, despite being home to numerous different dialects and accents, constitutes a huge area unified in certain linguistic respects, including particular notable vocabulary and phonemic incidence.
These phonemic variants in certain words are particularly correlated with the American Northeast :
aunt as
cauliflower with the "i" pronounced with the vowel
centaur rhyming with four
miracle as or
route rhyming with shoot
syrup as or
The Northeast tends to retain a rounded /ɔ/ vowel : specifically, this is realized as.
Terms common or even usual to the whole Northeast include: