Nona Willis-Aronowitz

Nona Willis-Aronowitz is an American author and editor. She is the daughter of Ellen Willis and Stanley Aronowitz. In 2006 she graduated from Wesleyan University,
where she majored in American Studies.
In 2009 Nona and Emma Bee Bernstein's book Girldrive: Criss-Crossing America, Redefining Feminism, about their drive across America talking with women about feminism and being women, was published.
In 2013, Tomorrow, a one-shot magazine about "creative destruction" that Nona cofounded, was nominated for an Utne Media Award for general excellence.
The Essential Ellen Willis, edited by Nona, won the 2014 National Book Critics Circle Award. Nona also edited Out of the Vinyl Deeps, the first collection of Ellen Willis's music reviews and essays.
She created and edited "The Slice", a features section at Talking Points Memo which began in 2015.
As of 2017 she was the features editor for Splinter and writing the weekly newsletter "Fucking Through the Apocalypse".
Nona is featured in the feminist history film She's Beautiful When She's Angry.
In October 2019, it was announced that Nona signed a book deal with Plume for a book called Bad Sex, “a blend of memoir, social history, and cultural criticism” that examines why, “despite the ubiquity of both sex and feminism, true sexual freedom remains elusive.”
She has also been a fellow at the Roosevelt Institute, worked as an education and poverty reporter at NBC News Digital, and worked as an associate editor at GOOD magazine, as well as written for various other publications.