
Ninjin is the second original animated series from Cartoon Network Brazil, co-produced by Pocket Trap and Birdo Studio, based on the 2018 game Ninjin: Clash of Carrots.
The series was created by Pocket Trap and Roger Keese, premiering on September 4, 2019 on Cartoon Network.
The official trailer was published on the Twitter platform on Cartoon Network Brazil's official account on September 2, 2019.
The first season will consist of 22 episodes.
The first-season episodes are divided into three formats: 10 episodes with 1 minute, 7 episodes with 3 minutes and finally, the five-episode miniseries with 7 minutes.


The series tells the story of a rabbit named Ninjin, a fox named Akai and a frog named Flink, go out in search of carrots stolen from their village by villain Shogun Moe.