
Nginiig is a Philippine horror television program aired by ABS-CBN. It aired from March 6, 2004 to April 8, 2006. It was hosted by Raymond Bagatsing, then by Jericho Rosales, and finally Hero Angeles, with Rayver Cruz, Maja Salvador and John Wayne Sace serving as substitute hosts or guest co-hosts.


The show features real horror and paranormal stories through re-enactments based on the victims' account of the horrifying events. The victims are interviewed about the events that took place in the haunted venues and actors and actresses play them in the reconstructions.


The series ended in 2006 after its director, Luis Santiago, died in 2005. Santiago, who had just completed a feature film version of the show, was passing by a bar in Makati City when a drunk male patron suddenly brandished a firearm and shot several people. A stray bullet from the shooting fatally hit the director.


Nginiig: The Hidden Files and Nginiig: Paranormal Investigation aired on the now defunct Studio 23, the latter was hosted by members of the Streetboys.


of the show's episodes airs on Jeepney TV. Select portions of some of its episodes were aired on Cine Mo! as part of its commercial breaks.


The show was one of the shows chosen to be part of the Kasakay Mo, Kapamilya Mo MRT ad campaign launched by ABS-CBN in 2005.