Nanticoke language

Nanticoke is an extinct Algonquian language formerly spoken in Delaware and Maryland, United States. The same language was spoken by several neighboring tribes, including the Nanticoke, which constituted the paramount chiefdom; the Choptank, the Assateague, and probably also the Piscataway and the Doeg.


Nanticoke is sometimes considered a dialect of the Delaware language, but its vocabulary was quite distinct. This is shown in a few brief glossaries, which are all that survive of the language. One is a 146-word list compiled by Moravian missionary John Heckewelder in 1785, from his interview with a Nanticoke chief then living in Canada. The other is a list of 300 words obtained in 1792 by William Vans Murray, then a US Representative He compiled the list from a Nanticoke speaker in Dorchester County, Maryland, part of the historic homeland.

Nanticoke color words

oaskagu waappayu
psquaiu weesawayu
ahskaahtuckquia puhsquailoau

Nanticoke vocabulary

Air- ayewash
Arm nickpitq
Arrowhead ik-ke-hek
Back daduck-quack
Bad mattitt
Bear winquipim
Crane ah!secque
Creek pamptuckquaskque
Crow kuh!-hos

Modern Nanticoke

With the assistance of a native speaker, Myrelene Ranville née Henderson of the Sagkeeng First Nation in Manitoba Canada, who speaks a similar language, Anishnabay, a group of Nanticoke people in Millsboro, Delaware, assembled to revive the language in 2007, using the vocabulary list of Thomas Jefferson. It had been "more than 150 years since the last conversation in Nanticoke took place."