Mykola Katerynchuk

Mykola Dmytrovych Katerynchuk is a Ukrainian politician and lawyer, a PhD in Law, a former member of the Verkhovna Rada. The Chairman of the European Party of Ukraine.

Early life

Katerynchuk was born on 19 November 1967 in the village Lugovoi in the Talmensky District.


In the 2014 parliamentary election Katerynchuk was a candidate for Petro Poroshenko Bloc in single-member districts number 13 situated in Kalynivka; but lost this election with 41.29% of the votes to independent candidate Petro Yurchyshyn who gained 44.79%.
After declaring support for the candidature of Anatoliy Hrytsenko in the 2019 Ukrainian presidential election Katerynchuk became Hrytsenko's legal advisor in Hrytsenko's election headquarters.
In the July 2019 Ukrainian parliamentary election Katerynchuk is placed in the top five in the top ten of the party list of Civil Position. But the party did not win any seats.

Leadership in the European party of Ukraine

December 14, 2006 Upon the invitation of the Organizing Committee of the European Movement of Ukraine over 500 representatives of different civic movements, organizations, small and medium business enterprises, students, teachers, state employees and political leaders gathered in Kyiv to found the liberal political party the European Party of Ukraine. Mykola Katerynchuk was unanimously elected the Leader of the Party. In 2013 the number of members is over 5 000. By July 2013 the European party is represented in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, in the Kyiv City Council and in local self-government councils.

Public Activities

Since 2002 - initiated the Social Program "People's Attorney" in his in electoral district in Vinnytsia oblast during the Parliamentary elections. The aim is to provide free legal assistance to Ukrainian citizens. In July 2012 function 26 offices in 9 different regions of Ukraine, Kyiv and also one office in Hannover. Since the first day, the program has helped 55 thousands of citizens.
2005 - established the Tax Club that united representatives of small and medium businesses, lawyers and economists. As a result of their interaction, a draft of the Tax Code was created to simplify doing business in Ukraine and fiscal policy as a whole. Several times a bill was introduced to Parliament. Though the Azarov's Tax Code was adopted that led to the mass protest in 2010.

International political activities



2007 State Order "For Perfect Service" of the third level