
Muthunaickenpatti is a panchayat village in Omalur taluk, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India. It is the second most populous village in Omalur taluk.


Muthunaickenpatti is located at. It has an average elevation of 278m. The closest town is Omalur 5 km away and 16 km away from the district headquarter Salem. The Lake Nainathaal is located in Muthunaickenpatti.


As of 2011 census, Muthunaickenpatti has a total population of 13192 people with 6976 males and 6216 females with 10.01% of population are under the age of 6. The average sex ratio is 891 and the child sex ratio is 901. The average literacy rate of 64.44% with males constituting 72.60% and females constituting 55.28%. It has 3473 households.

