Muppet Babies is an American computer-animated television series featuring toddler versions of the Muppets characters that began airing on Disney Junior and Disney Channel on March 23, 2018 and is aimed at a target audience of children from ages 3 to 8. It is a reboot of the original 1984–1991 animated series of the same name. The show retains several of the younger incarnations of the classic Muppet characters seen in the previous series, including Baby Kermit, Baby Piggy, Baby Fozzie, Baby Gonzo, and Baby Animal. The series also sees the second appearance of Nanny, and the first appearance of a new Muppet Babies member named Summer Penguin. On September 7, 2018, it was renewed for a second season which premiered 11 months later on August 9, 2019. On July 25, 2019, it was renewed for a third season.
The show details Kermit, Piggy, Fozzie, Gonzo, Animal, and Summer Penguin and a cast of characters using their imaginations.
Kermit – A frog who enjoys acting out adventure. He also plays the banjo.
Piggy – A pig who considers herself a star and has a crush on Kermit. She mostly speaks in a high-pitched voice but would at times greatly deepen when she gets passionate or angry.
Fozzie – A bear who loves to tell jokes. He is also best friends with Kermit.
Gonzo – A "whatever" who has eccentric ideas and loves to do stunts. He also makes a lot of friends in different episodes. He is often seen holding a potato.
Animal – A frenzied monster who likes playing the drums.
Summer – A purple penguin from the South Pole who loves to make art. She also has a kind heart.
Miss Nanny – The caretaker of the Muppet Babies who is only seen from the shoulders down. The pattern on her stockings changes to reflect relevant elements in the episode plot. Miss Nanny won a gold medal in a gymnastics discipline at the Sport-A-Thon.
Camilla – A white chick and Gonzo's best friend who is involved with the Muppet Babies' activities.
* Priscilla – One of Camilla's fellow chicks who is yellow.
* Beep – One of Camilla's fellow chicks who is brown and makes the sound of a car horn instead of clucking.
Ronny – A car that Miss Nanny drives to take the Muppet Babies anywhere introduced.
Other Muppets
Mr. Statler and Mr. Waldorf – The neighbors of Miss Nanny who often comment about the Muppet Babies' activities from the balcony of their home.
Rizzo – A rat who lives in the mouse hole in the Muppet Babies' playroom.
Dr. Teeth – The band leader of the Electric Mayhem. He appeared in a live-action transmission in "Muppet Rock" where he saw Animal perform backstage and is interested in having him join the Electric Mayhem. Animal turns him down for now as he needs to continue practicing.
Skeeter – Scooter's athletic twin sister who wears a sports-inspired purple jacket, a baseball-shaped watch, and pig tails.
Unlike the previous series, the update is produced using computer-generated animation and features two 11-minute stories per episode. The series is aimed at children between the ages of four and seven. Tom Warburton, best known for creating Cartoon Network's , is the executive producer and Eric Shaw, former writer on Nickelodeon's SpongeBob SquarePants, is the story editor and co-producer. The show is a co-production between Disney Junior, Odd Bot Animation, Snowball Studios and The Muppets Studio.
The series premiered on Disney Junior on March 23, 2018 in the United States, the following day in Canada, and in Mexico on June 10.