Mu (surname)

Mu is the pinyin romanization of several Chinese surnames.
was listed 98th on the Song Dynasty list of the Hundred Family Surnames.
was listed 225th on the Song Dynasty list of the Hundred Family Surnames.
was listed 329th on the Song Dynasty list of the Hundred Family Surnames.
There are also surnames , , , , and , which are not in the Hundred Family Surnames list. Among Hui people, Mu is a sinified version of Muhammad together with Ma.

Notable people

Surname Mù (穆)

It is the 98th name on the Hundred Family Surnames poem.
188th name in 2013 shared by 0.048% of the population or 640,000 people with the province with the most being Guizhou.
344 母 0.010% 13.50 Sichuan