Mr. Osomatsu

Mr. Osomatsu is a 2015 comedy anime television series by Pierrot, based on Fujio Akatsuka's 1962 manga series, Osomatsu-kun. Celebrating Akatsuka's eightieth birthday, the series follows the sextuplet Matsuno brothers from the original series as adults, and features more adult-oriented humor compared to the original series. The series aired in Japan between October 2015 and March 2016, with a special episode airing in December 2016. A second season aired between October 2017 and March 2018. A third season will premiere in October 2020. Both seasons have been licensed in Americas by Viz Media. A manga adaptation by Masako Shitaro began serialization in Shueisha's You magazine from January 2016. A theatrical anime film premiered on March 15, 2019.


The original Osomatsu-kun series followed the Matsuno brothers; Osomatsu, Karamatsu, Choromatsu, Ichimatsu, Jyushimatsu, and Todomatsu, who are all identical sextuplets who cause mischief. Mr. Osomatsu depicts the brothers as being ten years older than their original counterparts. All of the brothers have now grown up into lazy NEETs, with each brother having developed their own distinguishing personality. The series follows the brothers in their everyday lives.


Matsuno siblings

Osomatsu Matsuno

Osomatsu Matsuno is the eldest of the sextuplets and self-proclaimed leader of the group. An avid gambler, he spends his time playing pachinko and betting on horses. He often dresses in red.

Karamatsu Matsuno

Karamatsu Matsuno is the second born of the sextuplets. Believes himself to be cooler and more popular than he really is and calls his fan girls "Karamatsu Girls." He occasionally adds English words into his sentences. His distinguishing feature is his thick eyebrows and he often dresses in blue, though he occasionally sports a leather jacket and sunglasses.

Choromatsu Matsuno

Choromatsu Matsuno is the third born and most responsible of the sextuplets. Often acts as straight man to his siblings. His distinguishing features are his angular mouth, smaller pupils, and his lack of a cowlick. He often dresses in green.

Ichimatsu Matsuno

Ichimatsu Matsuno is the fourth born of the sextuplets and the sharp-tongued loner of the group. His distinguishing features are his tired eyes, scruffy hair, hunched back, and he often dresses in purple.

Jyushimatsu Matsuno

Jyushimatsu Matsuno is the fifth born of the sextuplets. He is very energetic but also quite the airhead, often having no reaction to the wild goings-on. He has a wide open mouth, and a single cowlick compared to the other siblings' two. He often dresses in yellow.

Todomatsu Matsuno

Todomatsu Matsuno is the most outgoing of the sextuplets. Often uses his cuteness as a brother to manipulate others. He has a smaller mouth, and bigger pupils. He often dresses in pink.

Other characters

;Matsuzo Matsuno Matsuyo Matsuno
;Nyaa Hashimoto
;Shounosuke Hijirisawa

Production and release

Mr. Osomatsu, produced by Pierrot, aired between October 5, 2015 and March 28, 2016 and was simulcast by Crunchyroll, making it the first piece of Osomatsu-kun media to receive an official English release. The series' first episode, which featured multiple parodies, was removed from streaming sites on November 12, 2015 and is replaced by an original video animation in its home video release. Additionally, the third episode, which features a crude parody of Anpanman, was edited for its BS Japan broadcast and is altered in its home video release. A special episode, produced in collaboration with the Japan Racing Association, aired on December 12, 2016. A second season was announced in April 2017, having previously been teased in a listing for the Blu-ray release of "Mr. Osomatsu JRA Special 2016", and began airing on October 2, 2017.
In Australia and New Zealand, Madman Entertainment released the first season on DVD on December 7, 2016, and made the series available on AnimeLab. At their panel in Otakon 2017, Viz Media announced that they have licensed both seasons in North, Central and South America and simulcast the second season.
An anime theatrical film for the franchise was announced in August 2018, with the main staff and cast from the television series returning to reprise their roles. Titled Osomatsu-san the Movie, the film was released on March 15, 2019.
A new 7-episode short series was announced in February 2019, with the main staff and cast from the television series returning to reprise their roles. The shorts ran from March 1 to March 15, 2019.
A third season has been announced in July 2020, which will premiere in October 2020.

Other media

A manga adaptation of Mr. Osomatsu, illustrated by Masako Shitara, began serialization in Shueisha's You magazine from January 15, 2016 and moved to Cookie following You's cancellation. A novelization of the anime, written by Yū Mitsuru and illustrated by Naoyuki Asano, was published on July 29, 2016.
Bandai Namco released a party game based on the series for the Nintendo 3DS on December 22, 2016. An otome game developed by Idea Factory was released for the PlayStation Vita in 2017.