Mitsui Knowledge Industry
Mitsui Knowledge Industry Co., Ltd. is a Japanese company headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, that offers IT services.Overview
Originally, in 1991, 3Com Japan Corp. was established by Mitsui & Co. and 3Com Corp.
In 1994, 3Com Japan Corp. was renamed to Next Com Corp.. In 2007, Next Com Corp. acquired Mitsui Knowledge Development Corp., that was also established by Mitsui & Co. in 1967, then the company was renamed to Mitsui Knowledge Industry Co., Ltd.
The company offers the services of system integration, cloud computing, information security, and IT lifecycle support in Japan and mostly for enterprises
The business type and scope is same as Itochu Techno-Solutions, SCSK and Uniadex, these are also the companies in Japan and mostly for enterprises.
The company was listed on JASDAQ Securities Exchange on September, 2000, then Tokyo Stock Exchange 2nd Section on April, 2004
On January, 2015, The company became the wholly owned subsidiary of Mitsui & Co. by takeover, and was delisted on Tokyo Stock Exchange