Schmidt-Salomon's book Wo bitte geht's zu Gott?, fragte das kleine Ferkel, illustrated by Helge Nyncke, was published in the autumn of 2007. The book has been described as "Richard Dawkins's The God Delusion for children," due to its criticism of religion. In December 2007, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs raised objections to the book, deeming it inappropriate for children and youth due to its depiction of religion, and charging that the book had "anti-Semitic tendencies". The Ministry announced in January 2007 that it was considering a ban on selling the book to minors. The Central Council of Jews in Germany supported such a ban. One criticism of the book was that Jews were illustrated in a more negative light than Christians or Muslims. The illustrations were compared to "anti-Semitic caricatures from the Nazi era." The Roman Catholic Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart filed suit, claiming that the author and illustrator of the book incited hatred—a claim that the book's publisher, Gunnar Schedel of Alibri Publishing Company, dismissed as "slanderous." At the request of Germany's Education Ministry, the Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons investigated to see whether the book should be placed on a "list of youth-endangering media." Such a ruling would have banned the sale or distribution of the book to minors in Germany. However, after concluding an investigation that began in October 2007, the department ruled in March 2008 that the book was equally critical of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and that it was not anti-Semitic. Peter Riedesser, director of the University Hospital for Child and Youth Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, deemed the book suitable for children. Riedesser saw the book as emphasizing equality between believers and unbelievers, and he did not find it indoctrinating or demeaning of religion.
Michael Schmidt-Salomon: Hoffnung Mensch Eine bessere Welt ist möglich. Piper, München 2014,
Michael Schmidt-Salomon: Leibniz war kein Butterkeks. Den großen und kleinen Fragen der Philosophie auf der Spur Pendo Publishing Company, München-Zürich 2011,
Michael Schmidt-Salomon: Jenseits von Gut und Böse. Warum wir ohne Moral die besseren Menschen sind Pendo Publishing Company, München-Zürich 2009,
Michael Schmidt-Salomon: Susi Neunmalklug erklärt die Evolution: Ein Buch für kleine und große Besserwisser Alibri Publishing Company, Aschaffenburg 2009,
Michael Schmidt-Salomon: Die Geschichte vom frechen Hund: Warum es klug ist, freundlich zu sein Alibri Publishing Company, Aschaffenburg 2008,
Michael Schmidt-Salomon: Auf dem Weg zur Einheit des Wissens. Die Evolution der Evolutionstheorie und die Gefahren von Biologismus und Kulturismus. Alibri Publishing Company, Aschaffenburg 2007,
Helge Nyncke und Michael Schmidt-Salomon: ' Alibri Publishing Company, Aschaffenburg 2007,
Carsten Frerk und Michael Schmidt-Salomon: Die Kirche im Kopf. Von "Ach Herrje!" bis "zum Teufel!". Alibri Publishing Company, Aschaffenburg 2007,
Hermann Gieselbusch und Michael Schmidt-Salomon : "Aufklärung ist Ärgernis...": Karlheinz Deschner - Leben, Werk, Wirkung. Alibri Publishing Company, Aschaffenburg 2005,
Michael Schmidt-Salomon: Stollbergs Inferno. Alibri Publishing Company, Aschaffenburg 2003,
Michael Schmidt-Salomon: Erkenntnis aus Engagement. Alibri Publishing Company, Aschaffenburg 1999,
Michael Schmidt-Salomon: Mythos Marx? Grundrisse des Lebens und Werks des Philosophen, Ökonomen und Politikers Karl Marx. In: Aufklärung und Kritik. Special report 10/2005
Michael Schmidt-Salomon: Von der Negation zur Position: Über die Notwendigkeit säkularer sozialer Dienstleistungen. In: Humanismus Aktuell 3/1998