The Swedish Metapedia was founded in 2006 by Anders Lagerström, a neo-Nazi publisher from Linköping, Sweden. Swedish historian Rasmus Fleischer wrote that:
The site has more than 7,000 articles in English; topics covered include European history, Norse mythology, and white nationalist music. The Register states, "a good percentage of Metapedia's content seems to be dedicated to Woden, the White Order of Thule, runes, and other subject matter which would undoubtedly have found favour with Aryan hocus-pocus aficionado Heinrich Himmler." Crítica de la Argentina says Metapedia has glowing descriptions of Adolf Hitler and other Nazi figures. Daniel Goldhagen describes it as seeking "to create an anti-Semitic informational universe." The wiki covers a total of 18 languages, with the Hungarian Metapedia having the most articles ever with an estimated 146'470 articles. However, it stopped being functional following the year 2015, clicking on any link to the Hungarian Metapedia gives you errors. According to the North Rhine-Westphalian Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Metapedia's articles are characterized by historical negationism and lauding Nazi Germany. For this reason, the German Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons started an indexing process, which would consider as to whether Metapedia is "harmful to young people". In early 2007, within half a year of the launching of the original Swedish edition, Metapedia received much Swedish media attention for its similarity to Wikipedia and some of its contents, in particular for its positive characterization of many Nazi German personalities, for cataloguing Jews in Swedish media, and for characterizing Swedish companies as either "Swedish-owned" or "Jewish-owned". This led to an investigation by the Chancellor of Justice to decide whether the site should be prosecuted for inciting hatred or for violating the Swedish Privacy Law. After reviewing the site's contents, the Chancellor of Justice decided to terminate investigations, since nothing had been found that violated the Freedom of Speech Act or the Privacy Law. In January 2009, in a response to further attention given to the site, the Swedish Chancellor of Justice opined that Metapedia presented a positive image of Adolf Hitler, but decided not to restart an investigation since this was not illegal.