
Meclofenoxate is a cholinergic nootropic used as a dietary supplement. It is an ester of dimethylethanolamine and 4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid.
In elderly patients, meclofenoxate has been shown to improve performance on certain memory tests. Meclofenoxate also increases cellular membrane phospholipids. It is sold in Japan and some European countries, such as Germany, Hungary, and Austria, as a prescription drug.

Side effects

Meclofenoxate is considered to be very safe and high in tolerability. However, possible side effects may include, rarely, insomnia, dizziness, restlessness, muscle tremor, depression, nausea, muscle tension, and headache; these side effects may be due to overdosage and may indicate the need for the dosage to be reduced.


Meclofenoxate, as well as DMAE, have been found to increase the lifespans of mice by 30–50%.

Brand names

In addition to Lucidril, meclofenoxate has also been marketed under the brand names Amipolen, Analux, Brenal, Cellative, Centrophenoxin, Cerebron, Cerutil, Closete, Helfergin, Lucidryl, Lutiaron, Marucotol, Proserout, Proseryl, and Ropoxyl.