Maurist Party

The Maurist Party, initially known as the Maurist Conservatives or simply the Maurists, was originally a political faction within the Liberal Conservative Party, led by Antonio Maura, which split from the party in 1913 after Eduardo Dato's election as Conservative leader. A loose association of Maura's supporters at first, in 1918 it officially became a political party of its own.
The party lost relevance after Miguel Primo de Rivera's coup in 1923 and Maura's death in 1925. In early 1931, the Constitutional Centre party was founded by three leading maurists after negotiations in late 1930 in order to stablish a federation of right-wing forces between Catalan regionalists and maurists.

Electoral performance

Restoration Cortes">Cortes Generales#Restoration Cortes (1874–1930)">Restoration Cortes

1914Antonio Maura
1916Antonio Maura
1918Antonio Maura
1919Antonio Maura
1920Antonio Maura
1923Antonio Maura