
Martinganj is a village panchayat located in the Azamgarh District of Uttar Pradesh, India. Its coordinates are 25.9089283 latitude and 82.8088504 longitude. Lucknow is the state capital, located around 232.5 kilometers from Martinganj. The other nearest state capital is Patna, 197.4 km away. The other surrounding state capitals are Patna 234.6 km, Ranchi 381.1 km, Gangtok 598.1 km.


The official languages of Martinganj are Hindi, english and Urdu.

Religious festivals

Hindu Festival like Navratri, Vijayadashami Mela and Ramlila are celebrated. The primary Muslim festivals celebrated annually in the village are the ld-ul-fitr',, Bakrid, Mid-Sha'ban, Bara Wafat and Muharram.


In the 2014 general elections Neelam Sonkar of the Bharatiya Janata Party became the Member of Parliament from the Lalganj constituency. In the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly Election of 2017 Sukhdev Rajbhar of the Bahujan Samaj Party became the Member of Legislative Assembly from Didarganj. The Samajwadi Party, the Bahujan Samaj Party, and the Bharatiya Janata Party are the major political parties in this area.

Nearest Airport

Mostly all major English, Hindi and Urdu daily newspapers, including The Times of India, Hindustan Times, The Hindu, Dainik Jagran, Amar Ujala and Hindustan, are available in Martinganj. Almost all big Hindi TV news channels have stringers in Azamgarh.

Communication Networks

All prominent telecommunication network provider in India offer their services in Martinganj.
GSM Service ProvidersCDMA Service ProvidersBroadband Service Providers
Idea CellularAirtelTATA Communications
Reliance CommunicationsTata IndicomAirtel
AirtelBSNL WLLReliance Communications
AircelReliance CommunicationsBSNL Broadband

Radio Services

All radio services available in Martinganj.