Manuel Delgado Ruiz
Manuel Delgado Ruiz is a Catalan anthropologist.
He graduated from the University of Barcelona with a degree in Art History and later obtained a doctorate in anthropology there. He continued his graduate studies at the Religious Sciences department of the École Pratique des Hautes Études at the Sorbonne. Since 1986, he has been Professor of Religious Anthropology in the Department of Social Anthropology at his alma mater.
He was the editor of the "Biblioteca del Ciudadano" at Ediciones Bellaterra and the "Breus Classics d'Antropologia" series at Editorial Icaria. He served as a member of the management committee for the journal Quaderns de l´ICA and currently sits on the managing board of the Institut Català d'Antropologia. He is also involved in political issues, serving as speaker of the "Study Commission on Immigration" in the Parliament of Catalonia. Religious and ritual violence has been one of his particular areas of interest, as well as the apportioning of public space and the construction of collective identities in an urban context.Selected works
- De la Muerte de un Dios: La Fiesta de los Toros en el Universo Simbólico de la Cultura Popular , Península
- La Ira Sagrada. Anticlericalismo, Iconoclastia y Antiritualismo en la España Contemporánea, Humanidades
- Las Palabras de Otro Hombre. Anticlericalismo y Misoginia, Muchnik
- El Animal Público. Hacia una Antropología de los Espacios Urbanos, Anagrama
- Elogi del Vianant, Edicions de 1984
- Sociedades Movedizas. Pasos Hacia una Antropología de las Calles, Anagrama
- El Espacio Público como Ideología, La Catarata