Mandel'shtam (crater)

Mandel'shtam is the remains of a large crater on the Moon's far side. Nearly attached to the northeast outer rim is the crater Papaleksi. To the south lies the crater Vening Meinesz.
The outer rim of this crater has been battered into near ruin, with sections forming only an irregular circular rise in the surface. Much of the rim consists of clefts, small craters, and ridges. The satellite crater Mandel'shtam R breaks across the rim to the west-southwest, and Mandel'shtam Y is attached to the northern edge.
The interior floor of the crater has not escaped bombardment, and the central portion is overlain by Mandel'shtam A, a respectable crater in its own right. Mandel'shtam N lies on the interior along the south-southwestern inner edge. The northwestern floor and to a lesser degree the southeast floor are relatively level, and have suffered less impact damage than elsewhere.
The small crater Mandel'shtam F to the east has a small ray system with several faint, streaky rays overlaying the floor of Mandel'shtam.

Satellite craters

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Mandel'shtam.
A5.7° N162.4° E64 km
F5.2° N166.2° E17 km
G4.5° N166.4° E29 km
N3. N161.6° E25 km
Q2.4° N158.8° E20 km
R4.5° N159.8° E57 km
T5.7° N160.4° E37 km
Y9.1° N161.8° E32 km