Ma Belle Amie

"Ma Belle Amie" is a single by Tee-Set off the album Ma Belle Amie. The song reached #5 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and #3 in Australia and Canada in 1970. In South Africa, it was a #1 hit. The song also reached the Top 10 across central Europe.
The original issue of the single in the Netherlands was released in 1969 on Tee Set Records, selling over 100,000 copies. There are available at least three studio recorded versions of the song - the US hit on Colossus Records, released in 1969, a British issue on Major Minor Records, released in 1970, and a Black and White video featuring the band miming along a waterfront. This video version appears to be the same as the hit US rendering but for minor differences to the repeated chorus ending of the song. The British release is completely different, slower in tempo and starting in a lower key. The group also recorded an Italian language version of the song.

Chart history

Weekly charts

;Dennis Jones cover
Chart Peak
Netherlands 36

Year-end charts