Luv Kush

Luv Kush is an Indian television series created, written, produced, and directed by Ramanand Sagar. It is a follow-up Ramayan, featuring mostly the same cast and production crew. Luv Kush covers the last book — the Uttara Kanda — of the ancient Indian epic Ramayana, following Rama's coronation, especially focusing on his children, twins Kush and Lav.
Amid the Coronavirus lockdown, all 44 episodes of this show were re-telecasted on DD National channel following Ramayan from 19 April 2020 to 2 May 2020.


Luv kush is a follow-up series of Ramayan and is based on the Uttara Kanda, which is the last chapter of Ramayana. It depicts the lives of Luv and Kush, the twin sons of Ram and Sita.


Originally, Ramanand Sagar's plan was to end Ramayan with the return of Sita from exile. However on the demand from Valmiki Samaj and PMO, Sagar made the series as Ramayan's follow up.


During the premiere of the series during Covid-19 lockdown following Ramayan in week 16, 2020, the viewership increased to a greater extent compared to Ramayan and received 18.493 million impressions during morning slot and 48.553 million impressions during night slot however being the most watched Indian television program.