Lush Life (TV series)

Lush Life is an American sitcom that aired in September 1996 on Fox. The series stars Karyn Parsons and Lori Petty as roommates who shared a studio apartment for financial reasons.


Petty stars as Georgette "George" Sanders, a bohemian artist who was wild and uninhibited. Parsons played Margot Hines, a snooty, ed businesswoman. The two would get into conflicts generally surrounding one of their crazy schemes. In one aired episode, George fakes her own death to draw attention and higher prices to her paintings. In another, Margot convinces some of George's gay male friends to pose as her boyfriend and frighten off a violent ex.


The series aired in September 1996 on Fox. The ratings of the first episode were low, and it was canceled immediately after four episodes. Three other episodes were produced, but were never aired. It was the first new series of 1996 to be canceled.
