Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu

The Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu is a public university in Sibiu, Romania. Named after the philosopher, poet, and playwright, Lucian Blaga, it was founded in 1990 with five schools: Letters, History and Law, Medicine, Food and Textile Processing Technology, Engineering and Sciences.




The University Department of Distance Learning

Faculty of Engineering

The school of engineering was established in 1976, as the Institute of Superior Education. In 1986 it was transformed into the Sub-Engineering Institute, subordinated to the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca.
In 1990, the Institute of Superior Education changes its name to "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, and the Mechanical Faculty became the School of Engineering.
Honoring the technical contributions of Hermann Oberth, the famous rocket scientist born in Sibiu, the Engineering Faculty adopted his name, and now is called the "Hermann Oberth" School of Engineering.
Students have now the opportunity to choose from a wide range of technical specializations: Industrial Engineering, Economical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Computer Science and Computer Engineering, Textile Engineering and Transportation, Distribution and Storage of Hydrocarbures. After graduation, students have the opportunity to continue their studies with post-graduate and doctoral programs in Quality Management, Manufacturing Management, Computer Science, Human Resource Management, Natural Gas Valorification and Advanced CAD Technologies.

Faculty of Social and Human Sciences

The school of journalism was established in 1992 and accredited within three years for its high standards in education. In 2001 it was extended with new degree programs: Communication Sciences and Public Relations, as well as Philosophy. Students have the opportunity to continue their studies with post-graduate programs in Communication Sciences and Publishing, Journalism and Public Relations, Culture and Communication.

Faculty of Theology

The faculty of theology is the oldest one in Sibiu.
