List of kakapo

Every known living kākāpō, except some young chicks, has been given a name by Kākāpō Recovery Programme officials. Many of the older birds were given English language names, but more recent chicks have been given Māori names. Some kākāpō, such as Richard Henry and Moorhouse, are named after people who have provided assistance to the preservation efforts. A kākāpō interactive family tree is available.

Recent population changes

After a good breeding year in 2002, the population remained at 86 until 2004, when three two-year-old female kākāpō died from infections by the soil bacterium Erysipelas. Four chicks survived from the 2005 breeding season. The male Gunner died of aflatoxicosis during the New Zealand winter of 2005, bringing the population back to 86. In April 2008, the population grew to 93 with the hatching of seven chicks, then fell to 92 due to the death of adult Bill. One of the seven 2008 chicks died soon after hatching, bringing the total down to 91, and on 28 October 2008, male Lee died, bringing the population down to 90. Male Rangi was rediscovered in February 2009 after spending 21 years living on Codfish Island. The 2009 breeding season resulted in 33 chicks, bringing the population up to 124. A number of older birds died during 2010, followed by the significant loss of the only remaining Fiordland kākāpō, Richard Henry, announced during January 2011. His Fiordland genes survive through his three progeny.
The breeding season in 2011 produced 11 chicks, which all survived, bringing the population to 131. However, the deaths of several birds followed and with no breeding season in 2012, the population dropped to 124. As of May 2014, with the hatching of six eggs the total population had increased to 130 living individuals.
Forty-seven chicks hatched in the 2016 nesting season, making it a "record breeding season". As of July 2016, 34 of them had survived.
As of May 2020, the New Zealand Dept of Conservation site showed a population of.

Living kākāpō ()

Females (98)

  1. Adelaide – hatched: 2016; mother: Kuia, father: Kumi.
  2. Ᾱio – hatched: 2019; mother: Mila, father: Horton.
  3. Ako – hatched: 2019; mother: Esperance, father: Komaru.
  4. Alice – first captured: 1981; mother of Snark '81, Manu '97; Al, Pearl '02, Huarangi, Vori, Whetū ‘19.
  5. Alison – hatched: 2019; mother: Queenie, father: Tutoko.
  6. Aparima – hatched: 2002; mother: Wendy, father: Waynebo; mother of JEM '08, Bunker, Chicory, Sage, Horopito ‘19.
  7. Aranga – hatched: 1999; mother: Lisa, father: Ox; mother of Jack '09, Waikawa '11, Percy, Clout '16.
  8. Āria – hatched: 2019; mother: Awarua, father: Komaru.
  9. Atareta – hatched: 2011; mother: Lisa, father: Blades; mother of Manaaki, Atatu, Whaea Jane ‘19.
  10. Atatū – hatched 2019; mother: Atareta, father: Te Kingi.
  11. Aumaria – hatched: 2016; mother: Stella, father: Blake.
  12. Awarua – hatched: 2009; mother: Kuihi, father: Barnard; mother of Motupōhue, Āria, Matariki '19.
  13. Bella – first captured: 1982; mother of Tiaka, Hillary, Roha '09, Verity ‘19.
  14. Boomer – hatched: 1999; mother: Zephyr, father: Felix; mother of Deans, Hau, Marangai ‘19.
  15. Cyndy – first captured: 1987; mother of Horton '02; Weheruatanga-o-te-po, Elwin, Jester '08; Ngatapa, Queenie '09.
  16. Dusky – hatched: 2016; mother: Tiwhiri, father: Horton.
  17. Elsie – hatched: 2019; mother: Waikawa, father: Horton.
  18. Esperance – hatched: 2002; mother: Flossie, father: Bill; mother of Huhana '09, Ako, Matakana, Toiroa ‘19.
  19. Eva – hatched: 2019; mother: Suzanne, father: Gulliver.
  20. Evohe – hatched: 2009; mother: Zephyr, father: Felix; mother of Pōtonga, Kōhengi ‘19.
  21. Flossie – first captured: by 1982; mother of Heather '81; Kuia, Gulliver, Sinbad '98; Rakiura, Esperance '02; Yasmine, Pura '05; Wiremu, Scratch '09; Hakatere, Waa '11.
  22. Galaxy – hatched: 2019; Mother: Ihi, father Guapo.
  23. Gale – hatched: 2019; Mother: Nora, father Tutoko.
  24. Gertrude – hatched: 2016; mother: Kuia, father: Blake.
  25. Hakatere – hatched: 2011; mother: Flossie, father: Barnard.
  26. Hananui – hatched: 2002; mother: Lisa, father: Blades; mother of Wharetutu, Wolf '09.
  27. Hanariki – hatched: 2019; mother: Pura, father: Te Atapo.
  28. Hau – hatched: 2019; mother: Boomer, father: Tamahou.
  29. Hauturu – hatched: 1999; mother: Lisa, father: Ox.
  30. Heather – hatched: 1981; mother: Flossie, father: Ben; mother of Palmersan, Robbie '02; Guapo, Awhero '09; Mahli, Tohu '14.
  31. Hera – hatched: 2016; mother Suzanne, father Arab.
  32. Hinemoa – hatched: 2009; mother: Sue, father: Basil; mother of Ranger, Whakakini ‘19.
  33. Hine taumai – hatched: 2002; mother: Wendy, father: Waynebo; mother of Te Here, Tuterangi, Titapu '16.
  34. Huarangi – hatched: 2019, mother: Alice, father: Boss.
  35. Huhū – Hatched: 2019; mother: Huhana, father: Guapo.
  36. Ihi – hatched: 2011; mother: Solstice, father: Waynebo; mother of: Galaxy, Hondy '19.
  37. Jean – first captured: 1981; mother of Blake, Kuihi, Te Kingi '02.
  38. JEM – hatched: 2008; mother: Aparima, father: Bill.
  39. Jemma – hatched: 2009; mother: Pearl, father: Stumpy ; mother of Lind ‘19.
  40. Kōhengi – hatched: 2019, mother: Evohe, father: Te Kingi.
  41. Konini – hatched: 2002; mother: Fuchsia, father: Waynebo; mother of Hugh '16.
  42. Koru – hatched: 2019; mother: Kuihi, father: Tutoko.
  43. Kuia – hatched: 1998; mother: Flossie, father: Richard Henry; mother of Gertrude, Marian, Adeliade, Henry '16, Acheron, Mackenzie, Quill '19.
  44. Kuihi – hatched: 2002; mother: Jean, father: Sass; mother of Awarua, Waihopai, Hokonui '09, Oraka '16, Koru, Māhutonga ‘19.
  45. Kura – hatched: 2016; mother: Tumeke, father Boss.
  46. Lisa – first captured: by August 1982; mother of Ellie, Hauturu, Aranga '99; Hananui '02; Tiwhiri, Hurihrui, Purity '09; Atareta '11; Ruapuke '14 .
  47. Madison – hatched: 2019; mother: Waikawa, father Horton.
  48. Mahli – hatched: 2014; mother: Heather, father: Dobbie.
  49. Makorea – hatched: 2016; mother: Waikawa, father Kumi.
  50. Matariki – hatched: 2019; mother: Awarua, father: Komaru.
  51. Mati-Mā – hatched: 2019; mother: Rakiura, father: Komaru.
  52. Marama – hatched: 2002; mother: Margaret-Maree, father: Nog; Mother of Hikoi, Porowhita, Tūtānekai ‘19.
  53. Margaret-Maree – first captured: 1986; mother of Marama, Mila, Moana '02; Kumi '05; Millie, Moss '09.
  54. Marian – hatched: 2016; mother: Kuia, father: Kumi.
  55. Matakana – hatched: 2019; mother: Esperance, father Komaru.
  56. Millie – hatched: 2009; mother: Margaret-Maree, father: Merty.
  57. Mukeke – hatched: 2016; mother: Waa, father: Blake.
  58. Nora – first captured: 1980; mother of Zephyr, Adler '81; Matangi, Kotiu '16, Gale, Kōraki, Rahotu ‘19.
  59. Ninihi – hatched: 2016; mother: Stella, father: Blake.
  60. Pearl – hatched: 2002; mother: Alice, father: Waynebo; mother of Juanma, Jemma '09; Punga, Attenborough, Faulkner '16 Tuarua ‘19.
  61. Phoenix – hatched: 2019; mother: Waikawa, father: Horton.
  62. Pounamu – hatched: 2005; mother: Sara, father: Waynebo.
  63. Punga – hatched: 2016; mother: Pearl, father: Felix.
  64. Pura – hatched: 2005; mother: Flossie, father: Bill; mother of: Bravo, Hanariki, Uri '19.
  65. Queenie – hatched: 2009; mother: Cyndy, father: Ox; mother of Alison, Scotty ‘19.
  66. Ra – hatched: 2009; mother: Solstice, father: Smoko ; mother of: Xena '19.
  67. Rakiura – hatched: 2002; mother: Flossie, father: Bill; mother of Toititi '08; Tamahou, Tiaho, Te Atapo '09; Taonga, Tia, Tutoko '11; Taeatanga, Te Awa '14, Mati-Mā, Tautahi ’19.
  68. Rātā – hatched: 2019; mother: Ruth, father: Juanma.
  69. Rere – hatched: 2019; mother: Roha, father: Takitimu.
  70. Rimu – hatched: 2016; mother: Wendy; father Boss.
  71. Roha – hatched: 2009; mother: Bella, father: Blades; mother of Kewa, Rere ‘19.
  72. Ruth – first captured: 1991; mother of Doc '02, Tukaha '16, Rātā ‘19..
  73. Solstice – first captured: 21 June 1997; mother of Ra '09; Ihi, Komaru, Stella '11.
  74. Stella – hatched: 2011; mother: Solstice, father: Waynebo; mother of Ninihi, Kokoto, Aumaria '16; Kenneth, Manawanui, Orion '19.
  75. Sue – first captured: 1983; mother of Takatimu '02; Rooster '08; George, Hinemoa '09; Elliot, Ruggedy '16.
  76. Suzanne – first captured 1989; mother of Ian '11, Egilsay, Hera '16, Milford, Fergus, Eva ‘19.
  77. Tuarua – hatched: 2019, mother: Pearl, father: Boss.
  78. Tia – hatched: 2011; mother: Rakiura, father: Barnard.
  79. Tiaka – hatched: 2009; mother: Bella, father: Blades.
  80. Titapu – hatched: 2016; mother: Hine Taumai, father: Takitimu.
  81. Tiwhiri – hatched: 2009; mother: Lisa, father: Basil; mother of Dusky '16, Tōmua, Tūmanako ‘19.
  82. Toiora – hatched: 2019; mother: Esperance, father: Komaru.
  83. Toitiiti – hatched: 2008; mother: Rakiura, father: Ox.
  84. Tohu – hatched: 2014; mother: Heather, father: Dobbie.
  85. Tukaha – hatched: 2016; mother: Ruth, father: Blades.
  86. Tumeke – hatched: 2002; mother: Wendy, father: Waynebo; mother of Kura, Kanawera, Tau Kuhurangi '16, Big Nick, Meri, Tutū ‘19.
  87. Tutū – hatched: 2019; mother: Tumeke, father: Te Atapo.
  88. Verity – hatched: 2019; mother: Bella, father: Juanma.
  89. Vori – hatched: 2019; mother: Alice, father: Boss.
  90. Waa – hatched: 2011; mother: Flossie, father: Barnard; mother of Mukeke '16, Ōtepoti ‘19.
  91. Waikawa – hatched: 2011; mother: Aranga, father: Blades; mother of Makorea '16, Elsie, Kohitatea, Kotahitanga, Madison, Phoenix ’19.
  92. Weheruatanga o te po – hatched: 2008; mother: Cyndy, father: Ox.
  93. Wendy – first captured:1982; mother of Dobbie '91; Aparima, Hine Taumai, Tumeke '02; Jamieson, Rimu '16.
  94. Whaea Jane – hatched: 2019; mother: Atareta, father: Te Kingi.
  95. Whetū – hatched: 2019; mother: Alice, father: Boss.
  96. Xena – hatched 2019; mother: Ra, father: Hokonui.
  97. Yasmine – hatched: 2005; mother: Flossie, father: Bill.
  98. Zephyr – hatched: 1981; mother: Nora, father: Rangi; mother of Hoki '92; Sirocco, Tiwai '97; Trevor, Boomer '99; Maestro, Evohe '09.

    Males (112)

  99. Acheron – hatched: 2019; mother: Kuia, father: Tamahou.
  100. Ariki – hatched: 2002; mother: Sara, father: Waynebo.
  101. Attenborough – hatched: 2016; mother: Pearl, father Felix.
  102. Awhero – hatched: 2009; mother: Heather, father: Blades.
  103. Basil – first captured 1989; father of Doc, Takitimu '02; Rooster '08; Hinemoa, George, Tiwhiri, Purity, Hurihuri '09 Bunker, Chicory, Sage, Horopito ‘19.
  104. Big Nick – hatched: 2019; mother: Tumeke, Father: Boss.
  105. Blades – first captured 1982; father of Hananui '02; JEM '08; Awhero, Tiaka, Hillary, Roha, Jack, Guapo '09; Atareta, Waikawa '11; Ruapuke, Taeatanga, Te Awa, Moorhouse '14; Kotiu, Matangi, Ruggedy, Elliot, Tukaha, Oraka '16.
  106. Bluster-Murphy – hatched: 2009; mother: Fuchsia, father: Smoko.
  107. Bonus – Found in April 1984.
  108. Boss – first captured 1989, father of Ian '11, Kura, Kanawera, Tau Kuhurangi, Jamieson, Rimu '16, Big Nick, Tuarua, Meri, Huarangi, Vori, Whetū ‘19.
  109. Bravo – hatched: 2019; mother: Pura, father: Te Atapo.
  110. Bunker – hatched: 2019; mother: Aparima, father: Basil.
  111. Chicory – hatched: 2019; mother: Aparima, father: Basil.
  112. Clout – hatched: 2016; mother: Aranga, father Smoko.
  113. Deans – hatched: 2019; mother: Boomer, father: Tamahou.
  114. Doc – hatched: 2002; mother: Ruth, father: Basil.
  115. Egilsay – hatched: 2016; mother Suzanne, father Arab; originally named Elsie until genetic testing confirmed he was male.
  116. Elwin – hatched: 2008; mother: Cyndy, father: Ox.
  117. Elliot – hatched: 2016; mother: Sue, father: Blades.
  118. Faulkner – hatched: 2016; mother: Pearl, father: Felix.
  119. Fergus – hatched: 2019; mother: Suzanne, father: Gulliver.
  120. George – hatched: 2009; mother: Sue, father: Basil.
  121. Guapo – hatched: 2009; mother: Heather, father: Blades; father of Galaxy, Hondy, Huhu ‘19.
  122. Gulliver – hatched: 1998; mother: Flossie; father: Richard Henry; father of Milford, Fergus, Eva ‘19.
  123. Henry – hatched: 2016; mother: Kuia, father: Kumi.
  124. Hīkoi – hatched: 2019; mother Marama, father: Takitimu.
  125. Hillary – hatched: 2009; mother: Bella, father: Blades.
  126. Hokonui – hatched: 2009; mother: Kuihi, father: Barnard; father of: Xena '19.
  127. Hondy – hatched: 2019; mother Ihi, father: Guapo.
  128. Horopito – hatched: 2019; mother: Aparima, father: Basil.
  129. Horton – hatched: 2002; mother: Cyndy, father: Bill; father of Dusky '16, Ᾱio, Elsie, Kohitatea, Kotahitanga, Lind, Madison, Major, Phoenix, Ranger, Whakakini ‘19.
  130. Hugh – hatched: 2016; mother: Konini, father: Blake.
  131. Hurihuri – hatched: 2009; mother: Lisa, father: Basil.
  132. Ian – hatched: 2011; mother: Suzanne, father: Boss.
  133. Jack – hatched: 2009; mother: Aranga, father: Blades.
  134. Jamieson – hatched: 2016; mother: Wendy, father: Boss.
  135. Jester – hatched: 2008; mother: Cyndy, father: Ox.
  136. Joe – First captured: 1982, he is infertile.
  137. Juanma – hatched: 2009; mother: Pearl, father: Stumpy ; father of Verity, Rātā ‘19.
  138. Kanawera – hatched: 2016; mother: Tumeke, father Boss.
  139. Kenneth – hatched: 2019; mother Stella, father: Te Kingi.
  140. Kewa – hatched: 2019; mother: Roha, father: Takitimu.
  141. Kohitātea – hatched: 2019; mother Waikawa, father: Horton.
  142. koto – hatched: 2016; mother: Stella, father: Blake.
  143. Komaru – hatched: 2011; mother: Solstice, father: Waynebo; father of Ako, Āria, Māhutonga, Mati-Mā, Matariki, Matakana, Motupōhue,Tautahi, Toiora ‘19.
  144. Kōraki – hatched: 2019; mother: Nora, father: Tutoko.
  145. Kotahitanga – hatched: 2019; mother: Waikawa, father: Horton.
  146. Kumi – hatched: 2005; mother: Margaret-Maree, father: Sass; father of Henry, Marian, Adelaide, Makorea '16.
  147. Lind – hatched: 2019; mother Jemma, father: Horton.
  148. Luke – found in April 1982.
  149. Mackenzie – hatched: 2019; mother: Kuia, father: Tamahou.
  150. Maestro – hatched: 2009; mother: Zephyr, father: Felix.
  151. Māhutonga – hatched: 2019; mother: Kuihi, father: Komaru.
  152. Major – hatched: 2019; mother: Mila, father: Horton.
  153. Manaaki – hatched: 2019; mother: Atareta, father: Te Kingi.
  154. Manawanui – hatched: 2019; mother: Stella, father: Te Kingi.
  155. Manu – hatched: 1997; mother: Alice, father: Felix; father of Paddy '09.
  156. Marangai – hatched: 2019; mother: Boomer, father: Tamahou.
  157. Matangi – hatched: 2016; mother Nora, father Blades.
  158. Meri – hatched: 2019; mother: Tumeke, father: Boss.
  159. Merv – found in January 1989.
  160. Milford – hatched: 2019, mother: Suzanne, father: Gulliver.
  161. Moorhouse – hatched: 2014; mother: Huhana, father: Blades.
  162. Morehu – hatched: 1999; mother: Sandra, father: Felix.
  163. Motupōhue – hatched: 2019; mother: Awarua, father: Komaru.
  164. Moss – hatched: 2009; mother: Magaret-Maree, father: Merty.
  165. Ngatapa – hatched: 2009; mother: Cyndy, father: Ox.
  166. Nog – first captured: 1989; father of Mila, Monoa, Marama '02.
  167. Ōtepoti – hatched: 2019; mother: Waa, father: Takitimu.
  168. Oraka – hatched: 2016; father Blades; mother: Kuihi.
  169. Orion – hatched: 2019; mother: Stella, father: Te Kingi.
  170. Ox – first captured: 1982; father of Aranga, Ellie, Hauturu '99; Toititi, Elwin, Wheruatanga-o-te-po, Jester '08; Ngatapa, Queenie '09.
  171. Paddy – hatched: 2009; mother: Sara, father: Manu.
  172. Palmersan – hatched: 2002; mother: Heather, father: Sass.
  173. Percy – hatched: 2016; mother: Aranga, Father: Smoko.
  174. Porowhita – hatched: 2019; mother: Marama, Father: Takitimu.
  175. Pōtonga – hatched: 2019; mother: Evohe, father: Te Kingi.
  176. Quill – hatched 2019; mother: Kuia, father: Tamahou.
  177. Rahotu – hatched 2019; mother: Nora, father: Sinbad.
  178. Ralph – first captured: 1987,.
  179. Ranger – hatched: 2019; mother: Hinemoa, father: Horton.
  180. Rangi – first captured: 1987; father of Zephyr '81 .
  181. Robbie – hatched: 2002; mother: Heather, father: Sass.
  182. Ruapuke – hatched: 2014; mother: Lisa, father: Blades.
  183. Ruggedy – hatched: 2016; mother Sue, father Blades.
  184. Sage – hatched: 2019; mother: Aparima, father: Basil.
  185. Scotty – hatched: 2019; mother: Queenie, father: Tutoko.
  186. Scratch – hatched: 2009; mother: Flossie, father: Whiskas.
  187. Sinbad – hatched: 1998; mother: Flossie, father: Richard Henry; father of: Rahotu '19. He is semi-imprinted, and likes to seek out human company. Andrew Digby via Twitter, 10 October 2018.
  188. Sirocco – hatched: 1997; mother: Zephyr, father: Felix.
  189. Stumpy – hatched: 1991; mother: John-girl, father: Pegasus; father of Jemma, Juanma '09.
  190. Tautahi – hatched: 2019; mother: Rakiura, father: Komaru.
  191. Taeatanga – hatched: 2014; mother: Rakiura.
  192. Takitimu – hatched: 2002; mother: Sue, father: Basil; father of Te Here, Tuterangi, Titapu ‘16; Tōmua, Tūmanako, Ōtepoti, Kewa, Rere, Hikoi, Porowhita, Tūtānekai ‘19.
  193. Tamahou – hatched: 2009; mother: Rakiura, father: Whiskas; father of Acheron, Deans, Hau, Mackenzie, Marangai, Quill ‘19.
  194. Tau Kuhurangi – hatched: 2016; mother: Tumeke, father Boss
  195. Te Atapo – hatched: 2009; mother: Rakiura, father: Whiskas; father of Bravo, Hanariki, Tutū, Uri ‘19.
  196. Te Awa – hatched: 2014; mother: Rakiura.
  197. Te Here – hatched: 2016; mother: Hine Taumai, father: Takitimu.
  198. Te Kingi – hatched: 2002; mother: Jean, father: Sass; father of Atatū, Kenneth, Kohengi, Manaaki, Manawanui, Orion, Pōtonga, Whaea Jane ‘19.
  199. Tiwai – hatched: 1997; mother: Zephyr, father: Felix.
  200. Tōmua – hatched: 2019; mother: Tiwhiri, father: Takitimu.
  201. Trevor – hatched: 1999; mother: Zephyr, father: Felix.
  202. Tūmanako – hatched: 2019; mother: Tiwhiri, father Takitimu.
  203. Tūtānekai – hatched: 2019, mother: Marama, father: Takitimu.
  204. Tuterangi – hatched: 2016; mother: Hine Taumai, father: Takitimu.
  205. Tutoko – hatched: 2011; mother: Rakiura, father: Barnard; father of Gale, Kōraki, Koru, Scotty, Alison ‘19.
  206. Uri – hatched: 2019; mother: Pura, father: Te Atapo.
  207. Waihopai – hatched: 2009; mother: Kuihi, father: Barnard.
  208. Whakakini – hatched: 2019; mother: Hinemoa, Father: Horton.
  209. Wiremu – hatched: 2009; mother: Flossie, father: Whiskas.
  210. Wolf – hatched: 2009; mother: Hananui, father: Merty.


To raise money for research, the New Zealand government's Department of Conservation operates a kākāpō adoption scheme. Adoptions are not exclusive; multiple people can adopt the same bird. Adoption is symbolic – kākāpō are a taonga species, so no one can 'own' one. Adoption supports funding for kākāpō health management, supplementary food and annual transmitter changes.

Recently deceased

Names marked are of birds missing, presumed dead
