The Strike Witches mixed-media project features an extensive cast of characters created by Fumikane Shimada. The series takes place in an alternate Earth in the mid-20th century and revolves around a group of teenage girls who use machines equipped to their legs known as Striker Units to do aerial combat. The characters are named after real-life pilots whilst their Striker Units are based on actual aircraft. The main character of the manga and anime series is Yoshika Miyafuji, and the main character of the light novel series is Tomoko Anabuki, both of whom are witches from the Fuso Empire. In the anime and manga series, Yoshika joins the 501st Joint Fighter Wing, an international military squadron which also includes Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke, Mio Sakamoto, Charlotte E. "Shirley" Yeager, Lynette Bishop, Perrine H. Clostermann, Erica Hartmann, Gertrud Barkhorn, Francesca Lucchini, Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen, and Sanya V. Litvyak. In the light novel series, Tomoko joins the Suomus Independent Volunteer Aerial Squadron, another international squadron which also includes Haruka Sakomizu, Elizabeth F. Beurling, Katharine O'Hare, Ursula Hartmann, Elma Leivonen and Giuseppina Cenni. Together, the squadrons fight against the Neuroi, an alien race that threatens the universe.
501st Joint Fighter Wing
The protagonists of the anime are part of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing, a multinational team of 11 soldiers commanded by Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke, also known as the Strike Witches. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Suomus Independent Volunteer Aerial Squadron
The characters appearing in the ongoing light novel are part of the Suomus Independent Volunteer Aerial Squadron. ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
502nd Joint Fighter Wing
The 502nd Joint Fighter Wing, also known as the Brave Witches, who star in the Brave Witches anime series. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
506th Joint Fighter Wing
The 506nd Joint Fighter Wing, also known as the Noble Witches, unlike other JFWs, this Wing are separated into two units that were stationed in different bases, A-Unit in Sedan consisted of witches from many European and Fusoan nobilities and B-Unit in Dijon consisted of witches from Liberion, this arrangement was made as a compromise between European countries who believe that their nobilities are the important symbols for European reconstruction efforts and Liberion, a federal republic without any nobilities, but providing many needed materials and arms for said reconstruction efforts. They appear as cameos in the Strike Witches Movie and the main stars of Noble Witches: The 506th Joint Fighter Wing novel and manga series. ; ; ; ; Kunika Kuroda ; Isabelle du Monceau de Bergendal ; Geena Preddy ; Marian E. Carl ; Jennifer J. DeBlanc ; Carla J. Luksic
These characters appear in the second manga. ; ; ; ;
Sky That Connects Us
These characters are from other squadrons who appear in the Strike Witches 1.5 manga. ; ; ; ; ;
The Neuroi are an alien force that are the primary antagonists of Strike Witches. In order to gain Earth's power, they consume some of its continents where Europe and Africa are badly affected by their goals. Each of the Neuroi come in different types:
Neuroi Drones - Small drones that are launched in order to defend the larger Neuroi.
Large-Type Neuroi - The standard flying class of the Neuroi and the most common of the group.
Capital Neuroi - They are deployed for specific purposes.
Heavy Neuroi - The ground-based counterparts of the Large-Type Neuroi.
Ultra-Heavy Neuroi - The larger versions of the Heavy Neuroi which are the most difficult to destroy.
Witch-Like Neuroi - The type of Neuroi that take the form of the Strike Witches and can mimic their abilities.
Small and Medium-Type Neuroi - The type of Neuroi that are launched in large numbers to protect the Hive Neuroi.
Hive Neuroi - The Hive Neuroi serve as the primary operating base of the Neuroi.
Super-Hive Neuroi - A unique version of the Hive Neuroi that was in the airspace of Romagnan and Venezian in 1945.
Nest Neuroi - The ground version of the Hive Neuroi.