List of Neopagan movements
, also known as "contemporary" or "neopagan", encompasses a wide range of religious groups and individuals. These may include old occult groups, those that follow a New Age approach, those that try to reconstruct old ethnic religions, and followers of the pagan religion of Wicca.
Early movements
Pre-World War II neopagan or proto-neopagan groups, growing out of occultism and/or Romanticism.- Neo-druidism
- * Ancient Order of Druids
- * The Druid Order
- Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
- Crowleyan Thelema
- Germanic neopaganism/Armanism
- * Germanische Glaubens-Gemeinschaft
- * Guido von List Society
- Church of the Universal Bond
- Adonism
- British Traditional Wicca
- * Gardnerian Wicca
- * Alexandrian Wicca
- * Central Valley Wicca
- * Algard Wicca
- * Chthonioi Alexandrian Wicca
- * Blue Star Wicca
- Eclectic Wicca and Inclusive Wicca
- Celtic Wicca
- Saxon Wicca
- Dianic Wicca
- McFarland Dianic Wicca
- Faery Wicca
- Georgian Wicca
- Odyssean Wicca
- Wiccan church
- * New Reformed Orthodox Order of the Golden Dawn
- * Church and School of Wicca
- * Circle Sanctuary
- * Covenant of the Goddess
- * Aquarian Tabernacle Church
- * Rowan Tree Church
- * Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans
- * Coven of the Far Flung Net
- Stregheria
- Hedge Witchcraft
- Cochrane's Craft
- Children of Artemis
- Feri Tradition
- Reclaiming
New Age, eclectic or syncretic
- Church of All Worlds
- Church of Aphrodite
- Christian Wicca
- Feraferia
- Goddess movement
- Huna
- Neoshamanism
- Pagan Federation
- Radical Faeries
- Universal Pantheist Society
- European Congress of Ethnic Religions
- English-speaking world
- * Heathenry in the United States
- ** Asatru Free Assembly
- ** Ásatrú Alliance
- ** Ring of Troth
- ** Asatru Folk Assembly
- * Odinism
- ** Odinist Fellowship
- ** Odinic Rite
- ** Odinist Fellowship
- * International Asatru-Odinic Alliance
- * Theodism
- Scandinavia
- * Íslenska Ásatrúarfélagið
- * Foreningen Forn Sed
- * Samfälligheten för Nordisk Sed
- * Swedish Asatru Assembly
- * Åsatrufellesskapet Bifrost
- German-speaking Europe
- * Eldaring
- Latin-speaking Europe
- * Odinist Community of Spain – Ásatrú
- Russian-speaking world/Russia
- * Dark Ashtree community
- * Скидбладнир
- Germanic mysticism
- * Artgemeinschaft
- * Deutsche Heidnische Front
- * New Armanen-Orden
- * Odin Brotherhood
- * Wotansvolk
- Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism
- Neo-druidism or Neodruidry, or druidism or druidry
- * Dynion Mwyn
- * Reformed Druids of North America
- * Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids
- * Monastic Order of Avallon
- * Ár nDraíocht Féin
- Italo-Roman neopaganism or Religio Romana
- * Nova Roma
- * Roman Traditional Movement
- Dievturība
- * Community of Latvian Dievturi
- * Congregation of Latvian Dievturi
- * Latvian Church Dievturi
- * Congregation of Latvian Dievturi
- Lithuanian neopaganism
- Rodnovery
- * Native Ukrainian National Faith, RUNVira
- * Peterburgian Vedism
- ** Union of the Veneds
- * Ynglism
- * Native Polish Church
- * Rodzima Wiara
- * Union of Slavic Native Belief Communities
- * Rodnover Confederation
- * Commonwealth of Pagan Communities of Siberia–Siberian Veche
- Zadruga
- Ivanovism
- Tezaurus Spiritual Union
- Russian national movement–Course of Truth and Unity
- Bazhovism
- Ringing Cedars' Anastasianism
- Estonian neopaganism
- * Maavalla Koda
- Finnish neopaganism
- Hungarian neopaganism
- Mari native religion
- Mordvin native religion
- Udmurt Vos
- Abkhaz neopaganism
- * Council of Priests of Abkhazia
- Adyghe Habze
Other European
- Armenian Native Faith
- Assianism
- Vainakh religion
- Hellenism
- Zalmoxianism
- Aar Aiyy Faith
- Aiyy Faith, former Kut-Siur
- Aiyy Tangara Faith
- Burkhanism/Ak Jang
- International Fund of Tengri Research
- Mongolian shamanism/Tengerism
- * Heaven's Dagger
- * Mongolian Shamans' Association
- ** Circle of Tengerism
- ** Golomt Center for Shamanist Studies
- * Samgaldai Center
- Tengir Ordo
- Vattisen Yaly
- * Chuvash National Congress
- * Chuvash Traditional Faith Organization "Tura"
- Church of the Guanche People
- Semitic neopaganism
- Kemetism
- * Ausar Auset
- * Kemetic Orthodoxy
- Ausar Auset Society
- Mexicayotl
- Native American Church