List of Hey Arnold! episodes

Hey Arnold! is an American animated television series created by Craig Bartlett that aired on Nickelodeon from October 7, 1996 to June 8, 2004. The show centers on a fourth grader named Arnold, who lives with his grandparents in an inner-city boarding house. A total of 100 episodes aired over the course of five seasons. ', a feature-length film based on the series, was released theatrically on June 28, 2002. ', a television film based on the series, premiered on November 24, 2017 on Nickelodeon.

Series overview


Claymation shorts

Before the main series was launched, Craig Bartlett created three clay animation short films:
They featured four characters from Hey Arnold!: Arnold, Helga, Harold and Rhonda.

Pilot (1996)

Season 1 (1996–97)

Season 2 (1997–98)

Season 3 (1998–99)

Season 4 (1999)

Season 5 (2000–04)

The last ten episodes of this season first aired in 2002 on Ketnet in Belgium, in English with Dutch subtitles.

Theatrical film (2002)

Television film (2017)