Life with Derek

Life with Derek is a Canadian television sitcom that aired on Family Channel and VRAK.TV in Canada and on Disney Channel in the United States. The series premiered on Family on September 18, 2005, and ran for four seasons, ending its run on March 25, 2009. Reruns aired on Family Channel and multiplex sister channel Family Chrgd until September 2016. The series stars Michael Seater and Ashley Leggat as the two oldest children in a stepfamily.
It ended having aired 70 episodes, and was followed by one spin-off television film, entitled Vacation with Derek, which was filmed in northern Ontario in fall 2009, and it aired on Family Channel on June 25, 2010.
On May 12, 2020, Shaftesbury Films announced that a spinoff series set 15 years later, titled Life with Luca, was in development.


George Venturi, a divorced man from London, Ontario who had custody of his three children from a previous marriage: sons Derek and Edwin, and daughter Marti, marries a divorced woman named Nora McDonald, who has two daughters of her own from a previous marriage: Casey and Lizzie. Up until that point, Casey was perfectly content with her life. Growing up as the oldest child in a household in Toronto with only her mother and sister had suited her well and brought her up as a self-sufficient and independent young woman.
After George and Nora's marriage, the McDonalds moved in with the Venturis in London, Ontario. Casey was originally upset about having to move to London, Ontario from Toronto, a much bigger city, for many reasons including Derek, but she eventually got over her own problems and agreed to move there for Nora and George's sake once she saw how much they cared for each other.

Cast and characters



The first season was filmed on Sound Stages at Atlantic Studios Cooperative Sound Stage in Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador. Seasons two through four were filmed in Toronto, Ontario.



Life with Derek and another Canadian sitcom, Naturally, Sadie, were both added to Disney Channel in the United States in 2005. In June 2007, Naturally, Sadie was pulled from the channel, but Life with Derek was left on. Though many episodes were originally broadcast on Family in Canada, Disney often advertised the episodes as being new episodes. Life with Derek has not aired on the Disney Channel since January 2, 2010, but reruns continued to air on Family, Family CHRGD until September 2016, and VRAK.TV in Canada.
The first two seasons were added to CBC Gem on December 26, 2019. The remaining episodes launched February 14, 2020.

Home media

DVD TitleRelease dateEpisodes featuredBonus features
Life with Derek: Let the Games Begin!United States\Canada: February 17, 2009
  • "The Room"
  • "House of Games"
  • "Babe Raider"
  • "Prank Wars"
  • "House of Games" interactive challenge
  • * Play as either Casey or Derek
  • 8×20 inch full-color locker poster
  • International release

    Awards and nominations