LateLine is an American sitcom television series that premiered on NBC on March 17, 1998. The series concluded on March 16, 1999, with seven episodes left unaired due to an abrupt cancellation. Three of the unaired episodes were telecast by the Showtime cable network in December 1999.
Created by John Markus and Al Franken, LateLine depicted the behind-the-scenes goings-on of a fictitious late-night television news broadcast, patterned in part after the long-running ABC program Nightline. Many plotlines in the series were satirical, dealing with topics like Deep Throat and the Watergate break-in, and the episodes often had cameos by famous politicians.Cast
- Al Franken.....Al Freundlich: Chief Correspondent
- Megyn Price.....Gale Ingersoll: Producer
- Miguel Ferrer......Vic Kobb: Executive Producer
- Ajay Naidu.....Raji Bakshi: Intern
- Sanaa Lathan.....Briana Gilliam: Talent Booker
- Catherine Lloyd Burns.....Mona: Pearce's Assistant
- Robert Foxworth......Pearce McKenzie: Anchor
Season 1: 1998
Season 2: 1999
* Not aired on NBCHome media
On August 17, 2004, Paramount released a DVD set containing all nineteen episodes on three discs.