L'Élève Ducobu

L'Élève Ducobu is a comic series created by Zidrou and Godi. The series tells the adventures of Ducobu, a comic and eccentric dunce. The series first appeared in September 1992 in the Belgian comics magazine Tremplin. The first album was published in 1997 by Le Lombard and from this year have appeared in the French comics magazine Le Journal de Mickey.


L’élève Ducobu is an assortment of gags. Most of the story takes place at the Saint-Potache school, but some [|strips] deal with the main character's private life and take place at home. Other strips go back into the past of the characters. Each album generally begins with the start of the school year and ends with the summer holidays.



All published by Le Lombard.
  1. Un copieur sachant copier !
  2. Au coin !
  3. Les Réponses ou la vie ?
  4. La Lutte des classes
  5. Le Roi des cancres
  6. Un Amour de Potache
  7. Vivement les vacances !
  8. Punis pour le meilleur et pour le pire
  9. Le Fortiche de la triche
  10. Miss dix sur dix
  11. Peut mieux faire !
  12. 280 de Q.I. !
  13. Pas vu, pas pris !
  14. Premier de la classe
  15. Ça sent les vacances
  16. Confisqués !
  17. Silence, on copie !
  18. Révise un max
  19. Ducobu, élève modèle !
  20. 0 + 0 = Duco !
  21. In-Cu-Ra-Ble !
  22. Système D
  23. Profession : Tricheur
  24. Attention : École !
  25. L'idole des écoles !


  26. Le Trésor de Kanul Archinul
  27. 6 × 7 = Amour
  28. Ducobu, instituteur !
  29. La Carotte
  30. Zéro de conduite
  31. Le Championnat du monde de la triche
  32. La Punition du siècle !
  33. Le Voleur de vacances
  34. La Méthode www.dix-sur-dix.com
  35. Le Terrible Secret de Néness
  36. Dans l'enfer des tables de multiplication
  37. Gros Q.I et petits soucis de cœur

    Publication in English

The series have been translated into English by Cinebook Ltd, a British publisher specializing in Franco-Belgian comics. So far, five books have been translated.
  1. King of the Dunces, September 2006,
  2. In the Corner! , June 2007,
  3. Your answers or your life !, June 2008,
  4. The Class Struggle, May 2010,
  5. Lovable Dunce, September 2016,


The characters of the series have been adapted for film in the French releases L'Élève Ducobu, Les Vacances de Ducobu and Ducobu 3.