
Kyaddala is a pan-African television drama series created by Emmanuel Ikubese for Emmanuel Ikubese Films and Reach a Hand Uganda. Set in a present day high school life, Kyaddala a Luganda word for "It's Real", focuses on real life social issues that affect young people across Africa and their attempts to overcome those issues. The series features actors and actresses from Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda and Nigeria. Kyaddala premiered on 27 September 2019 at Kingdom Kampala.


Eze's mother brings him with her from Nigeria to Uganda where she is taking up a new job. Eze has to get used to a new school, new people in a new country. He immediately becomes friends with Wonny, a rugby and soccer captain, gets in his circle of friends and makes a few enemies of himself when he starts hitting on Shamim. Eze, Wonny, Shamim, Umutoni all have different social, personal, financial and academic issues affecting them and with the help of each other, they devise means on how to overcome these issues.

Cast and characters

Main cast

Selected recurring cast


The series premiered at a black-carpet and a gold and black dress code event at the Kingdom Kampala on 27 September with most of the cast present. The series started airing in Uganda on NBS Television on 4 October, and Emmanuel Ikubese, the executive producer and director of the series announced that it would air in Nigeria, Kenya and later across the African continent. Kyaddala is a Luganda word meaning It's Real, hence the sub-title of the series.
Musical artists Kenneth Mugabi, Allan Toniks, Geosteady, Naava Grey accompanied by Kampala Symphony Orchestra performed at the event.


The series was produced by Emmanuel Ikubese Films together with Reach A Hand Uganda. Season one trailer was released on 24 September ahead of the series premier on 27 September 2019. The series started airing on 4 October 2019 on NBS TV. It was shot on location at Hana International Mixed School in Kampala and stars actors from Nigeria, Kenya and Uganda and aimed at addressing issues affecting all African youths. Usama Mukwaya joined the series as the producer, Emmanuel Ikubese and Humphrey Nabimanya executive produced the series while Loukman Ali, Alex Ireeta did cinematography and Lloyd Lutara and Allan Manzi joined as writers together with the show creator, Emmanuel Ikubese. The series was Ikubese's directorial debut.


The series was well received by critics. Roy Ruva of Chano8 wrote that the series would change the face of television in Uganda.


Series overview

Season 1