Kotonoha no Miko to Kotodama no Majo to

Kotonoha no Miko to Kotodama no Majo to is a Japanese yuri manga series written and illustrated by Miyabi Fujieda. It began serialization in 2004 in Sun Magazine's Yuri Shimai as Torikago no Miko to Kimagure na Majo to. It moved to the magazine's successor Comic Yuri Hime in 2005 where it continued and concluded under its new title.


A witch named Reti, an architecture enthusiast, happens upon a hidden shrine surrounded by a barrier, and when she undoes the barrier she meets a sheltered miko named Tsumugi. Tsumugi has never left the shrine, and she then decides she wants to travel with Reti. Over the course of the series the two of them fall in love.


; Gretia "Reti" Dietrich
; Tsumugi Tokigami
; Isuzu Suzushiro
; Kami-sama



Kotonoha no Miko to Kotodama no Majo to is a manga series written and illustrated by Miyabi Fujieda, which first began serialization in Yuri Shimai as Torikago no Miko to Kimagure na Majo to in the fourth volume sold on July 27, 2004. It moved to the magazines' successor Comic Yuri Hime and the title was changed to Kotonoha no Miko to Kotodama no Majo to. The bound volume was released on July 14, 2006.

Drama CDs

In both drama CDs, characters from Miyabi's other work Ameiro Kōcha-kan Kandan are also featured in a fictional crossover.