
Klovn is a Danish sitcom, which first aired on the Danish TV channel TV2 Zulu. It focuses on the life of the main character Frank and Casper. The show builds its comedy around quiet everyday situations, social awkwardness, uncomfortable silences and general faux pas.
Klovn shares many concepts with the American sitcom Curb Your Enthusiasm by Larry David, notably the main concept of a semi-retired comedian encountering humorous and embarrassing situations, along with his wife, friends and celebrity acquaintances. The show is also held in a pseudo-realistic style, where a first-time viewer might be in doubt of whether or not the show is staged. Even the score is similar. In spite of this, in its closing credits, the show is claimed to be an original idea by Casper Christensen and Frank Hvam.
The sitcom consists of 70 episodes spread over 7 seasons, each episode lasting 25 minutes. The seventh and last season aired in 2018.
On 16 December 2010, Klown, a movie based on the series but with an original plotline, was released, with a sequel released in 2015 entitled Klown Forever.


Season 1 – Based on Real Events

  1. "5-års dagen"
  2. "De nye danskere"
  3. "Hushovmesteren"
  4. "Dalai Lama"
  5. "Godfather of Drugs"
  6. "Løft ikke hunden"
  7. "Fars sidste ønske"
  8. "Str. 44"
  9. "Årstiderne"
  10. "Farvel igen mor"

    Season 2 – It's About Sex

  11. "Casa Tua"
  12. "Bye Bye Bodil"
  13. "Don Ø affæren"
  14. "Thors øje"
  15. "Kgl. hofnar"
  16. "It's a Jungle Down There"
  17. "Ambassadøren"
  18. "Carøes barnedåb"
  19. "Irma-pigen"
  20. "Franks fede ferie"

    Season 3 – On the Road to New Disasters

  21. "Rosé-forbandelsen"
  22. "London Kashmir"
  23. "Pepino & Pepito"
  24. "Nina kære Nina"
  25. "100 dage i Forum"
  26. "Biggie Blackie"
  27. "Længe leve demokratiet"
  28. "Bøssernes Kennedy"
  29. "En revisor-smølfe-CD"
  30. "God jul, Frank"

    Season 4 – Last Chance!

  31. "Unge hjerter"
  32. "Hjem til far"
  33. "Sankt Hans"
  34. "Bornholm"
  35. "Aben Ditmark"
  36. "Jarlens død"
  37. "Piverts polterabend"
  38. "Hejsan Sverige"
  39. "Tango for tre"
  40. "Ups"

    Season 5 – A Heart of Gold

  41. "Mamma Mia"
  42. "Mere ost Christian Braad Thomsen?"
  43. "White House Potential"
  44. "Tak for svaneæg"
  45. "Den japanske have"
  46. "Troldmanden fra Frederiksberg"
  47. "Hør nu efter Frank!"
  48. "Tillykke Frank"
  49. "Drys fra muffedissen"
  50. "Surprise Mia!"

    Season 6 – Asstrip

  51. "Guffeliguf"
  52. "Shut up"
  53. "Sivsko og Ægget"
  54. "Fru Af og Til"
  55. "Monsieur Le Boss"
  56. "Bedragsholm Slot"
  57. "Bisbebjerg Tricket"
  58. "Et knus for et krus"
  59. "Dilletanterne"
  60. "Falsk lorte alarm"

    International broadcasts