Kilis 7 Aralık University

Kilis 7 Aralık University is located in the city of Kilis, in southeastern Turkey. The name of the university comes from the date when the city of Kilis was liberated from occupation during the Turkish War of Independence – December 7, 1921.


Kilis 7 Aralık University was founded on May 29, 2007, by the Turkish government. The Yusuf Şerefoğlu School of Health was founded in 1997, and the Muallim Rıfat Education Faculty was founded in 1998. They were followed by Faculty of Arts and Sciences in 2003; the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Vocational School of Health, and Graduate Schools of Science and Social Sciences in 2007; the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture in 2010; and the College of Physical Education and Sports and Faculty of Theology in 2012.
The University serves more than 8,000 undergraduate and graduate students from around the world in six faculties, two vocational schools, and three institutes, with 250 teaching staff in Karatas and on the main campus.
Kilis 7 Aralık University has had the Erasmus University Charter since 2009. Accordingly, the ECTS is recognized for all faculties. The university's strategy focuses on extending and improving cooperation with foreign partners. The introduction of ECTS in undergraduate programs has facilitated accreditation. The university actively encourages its students to participate in EU student exchange programs.
Because Kilis 7 Aralık University participates in the Bologna process, the students earn a diploma and diploma supplement that are valid throughout the world.

Basic facts

The university has many aspects in common with other large universities, including a university campus with an additional city location, broad course options, student mobility programs, dormitories, and social life and sports facilities.

Education research and practice centers

The university's research centers include its Continuing Education Center, Distance Education Center, Agricultural Research and Application Center, Language Teaching Application and Research Center, Research Center for Middle Eastern Studies, and Application and Research Center for Computer Science.

Social facilities

Social and sports facilities include basketball and tennis courts, football fields, an outdoor sports park, a fitness saloon, a swimming pool, an indoor sports facility, a theatre hall, the Kilis House, a music room, an Ebru art room, and an exhibition hall.

Student clubs

Student clubs include:

Muallim Rıfat Faculty of Education

Vocational School of Health

Masters Program

Courses in English and Turkish

Courses are available in English and Turkish.

Grading system


Students who complete 120 ECTS credits and have a minimum 2.00 out of 4.00 grade point average will earn an associate degree.
Students who complete 240 ECTS credits and have a minimum 2.00 out of 4.00 grade point average will earn a bachelor's degree.
The Ph.D. degree is awarded to students who have successfully completed all required courses with a GPA of at least 3.00 out of 4.00, and have prepared and defended a thesis.

Grading scale

The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System is used.
Students who receive any grade of CC or higher for a course are considered to have satisfactorily completed the course. Students who receive a grade of either DC or DD in one or more courses can be considered successful only it their cumulative grade point average is 2.00 or higher at the end of the semester. Student who receive grades of FD or FF are considered unsuccessful. N/A means that the student never attended to courses and failed. Non-credit courses are evaluated as S or U. The grades S and U are not considered while calculating CGPA.
ECTS, the European Credit Transfer System, was created by the European Commission in order to offer standard procedures for academic recognition of studies abroad. A student can earn 30 ECTS credits for a semester and 60 ECTS credits for an entire academic year.

Teaching and learning methods

The teaching methods used at Kilis 7 Aralık University vary with class size. The early years can be characterized by large groups. Almost all the modules require smaller interactive groups. For Erasmus+ students, if there are not enough students registered for the courses, individual study is often used.


The main library includes reading rooms and an Internet access center equipped with scanners, copy machines, and printers. The library offers:

University Library opening hours are 8:00 am to 20:00 pm.

Information technologies

The Communication and information Technologies Department provides computer facilities and information technologies for all staff and students. Each department has its own computer lab for students and all classrooms have wireless Internet access, a computer, and a projector.

Health care

The Center for Medico-Social Unit is on the ground floor of Sosyal-Kültürel Merkez building on the main campus. In the unit, basic health services are provided for students, such as glucose and blood pressure measurement. It also provides first aid services for all students at the university.


A 100-student dormitory for international students is available in Karatas campus.
There are also private student dorms around the campus that provide affordable accommodation to students.

Disability support

This unit at the campus supports handicapped students to minimize challenges encountered during their education and campus life and improve the environment around them. The lifts, ramps, toilets, sidewalks, and roads at the campus are accessible for disabled students. The book-reading system for visually impaired students is available at the main library. The ring service is available for students who are physically disabled.

Food and drink

There are intercity coaches in Kilis and Gaziantep to travel to any city in Turkey. Kilis bus station is in the city center and easily accessible to the students.
When traveling by coach/bus, the Özgür Dolmuş at Gaziantep Otogar is taken to go to Kilis. It costs 7 TL.
The distance from Kilis 7 Aralık University to the nearest airport is 40 km.
Local public transportation consists of midi buses operating from 6:00 am to 23:00 pm. The price of a ticket is 1.25 TL for students.


The university is a member of the Caucasus University Association.

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