Kamisama no Karute

Kamisama no Karute is a 2011 Japanese film directed by Yoshihiro Fukagawa. This film is based on a bestselling novel of the same name by an actual doctor.


Dr. Ichito Kuriharai works at a clinic in Nagano Prefecture. He rarely has any free time due to the clinic's shortage of doctors and the constant influx of patients. Ichito even sometimes diagnoses patients out of his area of specialty and sometimes goes days without sleeping. He hopes to work at a major hospital where he can get more free time to spend with his wife Haruna and also specialize in his field of study. However, Ichito is also reluctant to add to shortage of doctors at the clinic and break his relationships with the patients.
One day, Dr. Ichito Kuriharai clears out the belongings of a terminal cancer patient who died. During this time, he discovers a letter made out to him thanking him for the care he provided to her, even though he could not cure her sickness. Dr. Ichito Kuriharai then has a revelation about the medical chart he keeps in his hand - filled with personal observations and concerns...


Kamisama no Karute was released in Japanese cinemas on 27 August 2011. It was released on 321 screens throughout the country.


Box office

Kamisama no Karute grossed around 302.85 million yen on its debut weekend, making it the highest-grossing film in the Japanese box office for the weekend of 27–28 August 2011. About 240 thousand audience went to watch this film over the same weekend, of which over half were made up of middle school students. Also, according to the film's official website, female audience outnumbered the male audience by a ratio of 93 to 7. It reached the 1 million audience mark on 13 September 2011.