Kalyanpur village, Saran district

Kalyanpur is a small village and, It is a located in the Sonpur tehsil of Saran district of the state of Bihar, India. It is an altitude of 43 meters. Kalyanpur village is situated at an 8 km away from the Sub-district headquarters of Sonpur and the 47 km away from the district headquarter of Chhapra. As per 2009 stats, Kalyanpur is the gram panchayat of Kalyanpur village. Nearby the Gularia Chowk is the small market in a kalyanpur village. Sonpur is the nearest town is an approximately 8 km away from the kalyanpur. Kalyanpur village connected by Sonpur Darihara Rewaghat road to Gandak baandh road.


Kalyanpur village is located about 8 km north of Sonpur city. It is the total geographical area of 100 hectares. And at an altitude of 43 meters. This village is most of the area is agricultural land with the rice and wheat as the main crop. Due to variations in annual rainfall, local farmers cannot depend on seasonal rain for irrigation and have to instead unlined perennial wells for irrigation. And the village is nearby the Gandak river for used of agriculture and other purpose.


As of 2011 India census, Kalyanpur had a population of 3,608. Males constitute 52% of the population and females 48%. Kalyanpur has an average literacy rate of 70%., higher than the national average of 59.5%: male literacy is 74%, and female literacy is 62%. In Kalyanpur, 4.5% of the population is under 5 year of age. There are 597 houses in Kalyanpur village.
Nearest village is Shikarpur village, Saran district.

Transportation and connectivity

Kalyanpur has good road communications due to development efforts by the government. At the village nearest city and railway station is at Sonpur, about 8 kilometres from the village.


The Kalyanpur village have a comprehensive electricity supply but not regular power supply that efforts of local governing bodies, solar panels have been introduced to provide power for street lighting.